A day late…but,hey, life happens…Including gremlins that don’t automate your post, that was automated for yesterday morning.So instead, I’ve added some more pix of her day.
As soon as I saw you I knew an adventure was going to happen.
– Winnie the Pooh
Oh Pooh Bear, such great wisdom you have. And oh how much truth there is in that when it comes to you my darling Morgan-Lee. From the moment I saw you..your long pink body stretched out, and staring intensely straight back at me with your chocolate brown eyes..There was an undeniable shift in me: I didn’t know exactly what lay before me, but I knew it would be great…and it would be because of you. It was with that, that I scooped you up towards me and relished all the feels that this warm, velvety little bundle had unleashed within me.
You had only been in this world with me mere moments, and yet I couldn’t imagine life any other way. All of me had suddenly orientated itself to you. In fact, the day you were born, every inch of me wanted you to remain with me – my body even ejected any and all sense of tiredness, even though the last I had slept before that, was two days ago. The nurses insisted that they’d take care of you so that I could rest, but your relentless screams from the nursery only confirmed my instincts. So, I got up and went to fetch you from their arms, crept back into bed with you in my arms, and snuggled. All the while, I, unsuccessfully, tried to stop myself from staring at you, even as the morning light started to trickle in through the curtains…It was eventually only your father’s return to my side that broke my gaze from you.
You spun your magic on me from the get-go. You my dear, made me a mother.. And I’ve poured my heart and mind about that over here already – but as the years go by, I learn how much more you are still pouring back into me every passing day. It remains a beautiful, topsy turvy ride of discovery all the way…an adventure for sure!
But then again, even before you were born you sent me on a crazy adventure of fighting for what I believe in and self-empowerment. So this adventure thing? I’ve honestly come to believe this IS your style!
I watch you – yes, even through my brain haze of life exhaustion, I make mental notes of all that is you. The way you navigate life and it’s situations. The way you interact with people, with your sister, your cousins, you family..including the lonnng telephone conversations you have with an aunt you are still yet to meet. Your silliness and sweetness. And it is a beatiful thing to witness, my girl. Your beautiful soul is obvious to all who’ve taken the time to notice.
One of the things that are standing out more and more to me, is your sense of adventure. Even a stranger on the mountain the other day saw you tackle rocks and heights, and casually mentioned what a fearless little adventurer you are. Which to be honest, I never thought of before – dad and I always saw you as game but cautious…But the truth is, you truly are an adventurer, seeking out new experiences constantly – even those that are normally scary to you.
You have this can-do attitude, that truth be told, is kind of infectious. I love it – and I will do my all to ensure I do it no damage, because it is gift given to all, but so easily lost by many. I will instead try to encourage you to strengthen yours, so that you can spread to others, like sunshine.
I love that I will find you flipping through photo albums, and asking about all the adventures I did as a young woman. And as I explain it to you, your eyes widen with excitement, and your lips curl with an unconscious smile, and burst out with a “CAN I DO THAT TOO?!”….My answer always is, and always will be “yes”. And in doing so, it reminds me of how incredible it is that, in every single thing, you see the possibility of fun. Hold on to that honey! Hold onto it fiercely! For the love of all that is good in this world, don’t lose that sense of possibility and discovery! Those are tools for life that will hold you in good stead, always.

This was the first time you experienced rain. I grabbed you, threw my coat over your back and my at on your head, and told you to look up. Together, we stuck out our tongues and drank rain. Such a small thing, but you mirrored my excitement.
But do you know what else I love about you? I love how you share this wonderful energy of yours with your little sister, how you take the time to teach her new things – like how to spin your stick like a ninja turtle, a new dance or a handstand (that you yourself are trying to master). And I love how easily and graciously you create the space for her to show you her own energy with you. She really looks up to you, Morgy. Always has.
And you have never hesitated in owning your big sister title…The way you dive in with hugs when she’s hurt, and offer to kiss her booboos away. You really are such a mama bear, my girl- I love it! I’ve even had a giggle at watching you do a very familiar pyjama shuffle one morning, when Parker as a baby, woke up earlier than normal. You called out from your room that you were on your way, shuffled past me with eyes barely open, and almost signalled to me like, “I got this one, mom”. I heard you offer her comfort, asked if she wanted “milkies”, brought me the bottle, and then climbed into the cot with her to keep her calm and happy. I could totally get used to that! 🙂
In fact, those mama bear instincts of yours have been strong since a baby. While other little toddlers would run outside, you’d constantly duck back inside towards wherever there were babies, just so that you could watch them with their mamas and offer soothing “shhhhs”, and soft touches to their body. And oddly, you always seemed to know just what that baby needed at the time. It seems that sensitive soul of yours always serves you and others around you so well.
Yes, sure, sometimes that sensitive soul becomes a bit of a minefield for you daddy and me to navigate. To be honest, it’s like trying to disarm a ticking time bomb at times. But mostly, it’s wonderful to be at the receiving end of you sensitivity. And a delicate reminder to me to rekindle my own.
This sensitivity extends into your creativity… a mind so colourful and full of ideas. Your need to create and express is endearing, and I enjoy watching you get lost in the creative process. But what is always so delightful to me, is how you’d balance that out very easily, by requesting a round of ninja turtle fight choreography as soon as you put that paintbrush down. Or slip on your frilly princess dress, wrap a utility belt around it and stick a sword in.
I love that you’d be the only girl to wear a ninja turtle suit to school on superhero day, while the rest come as princesses, but that ninja turtle is playing tea party and housey-housey with all the other girls like it ain’t no thang. I love that you sometimes want to be a boy, but two seconds later will also play pretend shopping with your sister and then have to breastfeed your baby while out shopping. One just never knows what crazy mix of adventure you’ll bring! In fact, all of you, Morgy, is one big amazing adventure to your daddy and me, and we’ll always remain grateful that God chose us for you.
My girl, you truly are such a wonderful mix of character all bundled up into this darling little shell of round cheeks and loveliness. I take great delight in learning how your mind works, eagerly lap up the joy that you sprinkle everywhere you go, hopefully not tainting your gregarious and open spirit, but instead I hope to create the space where it can only grow. And perhaps, reawaken those parts of me again that need tending to.
You are an absolute joy, and pure magic, Morgan-Lee. Both in our lives, and to all who encounter you. Happy birthday!
A peek into her special day…
Traditional birthday brekkie was slightly foiled, as birthday girl was too excited to wait for us. So by the time we rolled in, she had already gotten dressed and ready for the day and woken her sister up as well.
And what does birthday breakfast for a 5 year old girl look like?
Why yes, it was pancakes with sprinkles and roses with viking helmets…What else, would a dragon-loving little girl have? 🙂
Some obligatory mommy daughter birthday shots before we head out:
Then three-way kisses in stereo..
Then headed to school to celebrate with her little buddies, who by the way swarmed her with singing, love and gifts as soon as she set foot into the room…Gosh-darnit, I can’t tell you how much that makes my heart..
Don’t look now, but there’s a viking in your car…
Ended off the day with birthday beach walks before heading back home…
Oh, and one of my fave pix, taken the day before her birthday revealing her School Party birthday cake…
Excitement personified for sure. Turning five, in fact, just looking at her, seems to be magic personified!
Ah lovely! Happy birthday to your big girl xxx
Thank you, Jodie!
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