Hey lovelies! Happy Monday! Now, before you roll your eyes at me for that, and click away, come back! I have something I really want to share with you!…And it’s about better sleep – YES, the holy freaking grail of parenting- so you’re going to want to hear this. For those that know me personally and have ever had a conversation about sleep with me, you’d know I go deep. Like I go into all the in’s and outs of it. Hormones, timing, sleep cycles – the whole shebang. I go full nerd. Like, I’m actually pretty bloody anal about my children’s sleep.Yes, we have a somewhat flexible routine, but I’ve learnt just how much of their health, brain development, and daily temperament revolves around their sleep. It’s so vital for them to actually get proper sleep…and just as vital for us as parents, so that we don’t lose our freakin’ minds altogether.So, I’ve found that this is one arena that I’m always looking and researching for things that can help us all get a better night’s rest. Enter The Gro Company!
Guys, straight up, this is a company that has grown quite close to my heart purely because of their commitment to safe and better sleep. This company has apparently helped over seven million parents, and Continue reading