So, before this 19th day of May, 2019, I thought all birthdays were created equal…You know, that all were filled with sweet surprises and excitement built up over months of count downs, crescendoing in heart warming moments of sheer happiness…Along with, as the parent, that ever present bittersweet pill that you have to swallow every year – the one that annually sucker punches you in the throat with the realisation that you baby is swiftly moving further and further away from being an actual baby. (Even though that very same sentiment is beautifully laced with the absolute honor and joy of getting to witness your child grow up, savour and enjoy this world…I mean that is the ultimate goal right? To raise these well adjusted individuals who can go forth into this world and discover, be happy, spread love and grow…)
I thought all birthdays, whilst each very wonderful & exciting, were the same in that its an amazing celebration of another year. But now, having had the Continue reading