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Instagram: @traxgport
Hi are you receiving my emails about I have sent pictures, press releases and my blog entry. I am having AOL problems at present.
Apologies Nicola for silence. Hope you received my mail last week? Watch this space, post coming soon!
Yes, thank you, look forward to it, we are on Miss February on the blog now, more awareness could really help with the fund raising x
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Hello, you have a wonderful blog I’m so glad I came across it. I’m currently looking for a private midwife are you able to give me Marchas number please? Thank you!!
Thank you Sun! Hope you stick around?Unfortunately Marsha retired. But I will recommend Birth Options. A team of incredible midwives that I’ve used for Parker-Grace and Yuriko-Mae now. Love them to bits! Google their contact deets, they are out in southern suburbs,but i found that they are worth the drive if you’re not close by. Also congrats on your pregnancy (I’m assuming you are?) All the best with finding a midwife. Keep in contact about it. X
Thanks so much. I am 15w and wanting to go the natural route so so glad I came across your post and managed to get an apt with Dr dumbrill. I also had a bad experience with my previous gynae so was glad to read your positive feedback regarding Dr dumbrill. Thank you for sharing your beautiful journey through your pregnancies for a first time mom to be it’s been so nice to have access to such a great blog ??
Good day
I am 18 weeks pregnant at the moment. I just want to find out if you can only take jungle juice after baby is born, or can you start before the birth?
I cannot remember with my first child. I know I drank it, but cannot remember from when.
Thank you
Hi there Cindy! Thanks for reaching out to me. Well to be honest, for breastfeeding purposes, Im not sure there will be any benefit for you /your supply to do it before hand. Once baby is here, there is the benefit of ensuring much needed hydration of your body, with adequate minerals and electrolytes (which aids in upping your supply), as well as ensuring your energy levels are optimized (dehydration – even the slightest – has marked effect on your energy and feeling of well-being).
The rescue remedy aids with calmness – during a period which can often feel a bit stressful to many mother. And furthermore the elixir has been touted as an energy giver. (Im not sure about that, but the whole mixture itself works well for me for supply increase)
however, if you stick to the ingredients as listed in the recipe I use (on the blog) there should be no harm to baby if you were to drink it while preggers. Im just not sure to what benefit, other than it just hydrating you. My personal opinion would be to keep it for once baby is here, unless your doc or midwife says otherwise. But like i said that is my personal opinion.
All the best with your pregnancy! X