Oh my darling Parker, my beautiful, strong, wild and loving Parker-Grace. Today you turn two years old… A WHOLE two years! And as cliché as it may sound, it is so very true when I say that I cannot believe that we are here at this point already. Two years of being challenged, devoured, and stretched into the person Im supposed to be in this life, at this very point in time. You, just as your sister does, expand my entire being to levels of existence I had no idea of. And whilst it can sometimes feel unmanageable, I’d choose this life with you guys over and over again- happily and excitedly! Bearing witness to your growth is an amazing and heaven-sent gift for sure.
Every month, nay…every week(!), I see you grow a little further away from that tiny little hulk-smash screaming baby, with the golden whispy hair, and grey blue eyes. The one that I reached down and swooped up into my arms when you were born. The one who gave me the honour of calling out to all in the room who were waiting in anticipation for the 9 month suprise: (mostly your dad), “it’s a girl”!!
The one who looked like a boy on all her scans, felt like a boy in my tummy ( you were a little rough with me in side there, yo!), and came out gorgeous and so very girly! Although, all who know you well, make comment as to how rough as a boy you are. 🙂 However, your slight shoe fetish confirms girly-girl status for sure.
I watch you now in everyday life, and whilst its just part of everyday life, there are times where I my mind is blown a little by you. The way you speak- in such full beautiful sentences. And its not just that, the fact that you have a pretty decent command of English language at young age – I mean, damn, girl, you spoke your first word at 10 weeks!!(YES, you read that right – not even three months!)- but more because you use it to express yourself so well:
“Mommy, I talking-a-you! Look-a-me! (as you direct my face towards your’s with your chubby little hands)
“Mommy put your phone in your pocket.”
Mama, I so happy. I love doggies” ( you only recently graduated from “wuv” to “love”)
Or one of my favourites, when I ask you to tell me what you’re feeling, when I see your eyes well up with tears: “I sad, mamma. I so sad. I want more chokit” (chocolate) – yeah, I feel you kid, I want more too. All the time.
I gotta be honest though, those first two lines I quoted up there? Im not too proud of. But also know that its not often used. Thankfully.
But what really takes the cake for me is your Spanish! Yes, in a home where parents only have English and Afrikaans, your Spanish is pretty cute! (Thanks Dora the explorer!)
And you use it your everyday language now – As I walk up the stairs, you call out to me: “Mama, espera!” (Because you still don’t like being too far away from me at any given point) And all the pleasantries of “gracious”, “de nada” that you casually throw into your interactions with us. Or when you get something right, you jump up and down with a celebratory “lo hicimos!”
And I especially like the way you introduce yourself when you play with your dolls:”Hola! Soy, Parky!”
You’re such an interesting child, Parker-Grace. Of course, I may be just a touch leeetle bit biased when it comes to you and your sister. But you really are.
Lets not forget about your Swiper the Fox impersonation- honey, you’re so on point! You keep your Dad, sis and myself in stitches with your perfectly timed wit. Who’da thunk this often serious baba with the steely gaze was going to turn out to be such a funny-bunny.

This is the face you’re more than likely to be faced with when first meeting Pax. The death stare. But dont let it fool you. This little bruiser is the softest soul ever.
Then there’s your counting – you’re doing so well. Also English and Spanish – even the numbers you and your sister make up after “diez”. This bit I do believe, is all thanks to your big sister, Morgy, for showing you. She really does love you and showing you everything in her world.
She loves taking care of you, and so very soft and extra forgiving when it comes you. I also see how much you love her. You show it differently- a little bit rougher in your approach than her’s, but it is clear how much you enjoy her.

Sister giggles: You were tickling your sister, instead of reading your own book – I hope you never lose this special bond, and that it only grows.
I love to listen to you the two of you laugh. Daddy and I take such great joy in the sound of the two of “skatter lagging” . And you really do love to laugh. In fact, after being such an intense newborn, I had no idea what silly billy you’d actually grow up to be. What a seriously lovely surprise to us all.
Lets not even talk about your dance moves! Girl! You must’ve been practising in utero, ‘cause you and your sissie know how to bust a move. For the last two weeks, some Tu Pac and King Kunta have been your go-to jams. But mostly, any jam would do – you just need a beat.
You are such an interesting conundrum: wild, unafraid, strong and so very physically able…and yet in the same breath, you’d lean in and give the sweetest of kisses, warmest of hugs, and most loving of touches. All without protest, and without limit. Unlike most kids I know, your kisses and hugs are never something to beg for, pine for, to wait for, or to be surprised by. You just give it and happily so. You’re actually just a big marshmellow heart under all that rough and tumble armour.

There’s a monkey on my back. And feeling those little arms around my neck makes me loved by the entire universe.
A huge and caring heart, indeed. One that’s fiercely loving. No doubt, I feel so utterly blessed by the Good Lord that he chose us to look after and guide you(and your sister) here in this life. I pray for his guidance each day to ensure we don’t bungle up this parenting gig too badly.
So, yes, I watch you as the weeks, months and now years go by and see you grow and change…but also, I see how very much still the same you are. Still scream like no other, and do a lot of “hulk-smash” bits, for sure. (Seriously, your headbutts and fists come out faster than anyone can say MMA) But your character is strong, solid and unwavering – very much like the strong oak tree I envisioned whilst still pregnant with you.
Happiest of birthdays, Parker-Grace! May God walk with and carry you all your days.
Stay wild, my child. WE love you so! x
Yes again, so well written. I Love reading your blogs, now waiting those birthday pics please!
Aww, thank you Silungile. Your readership loyalty is so appreciated. PS. watch this space for the birthday post!
Yet again, I meant.
Makes me so emotional, something about turning two only solidfies more how much she’s growing up. Its soooo bittersweet. Well written Tracey! -M ᐧ
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Ah! Thank you Marysol! Written from the heart. Trying to encapsulate all of her and her current antics to date.
And yes, of ever there was a final warning of a baby grown all up, it’s this birthday for sure. Bittersweet indeed.
Happy birthday to your not so little baby anymore – what a wonderful post – you can just feel the love 🙂 xxx
Why thank,Jodie! What lovely compliments all round-much appreciated. I wrote it with love,and seriously hope that one day she’ll stumble across these words one day.
What a beautiful name! Happy birthday Parker-Grace!
Thank you, on both counts, Alet! Alot of thought and a bit of serendipity behind her name.
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