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If you’ve ever read some of my kiddy party planning or activity posts, like here and here, you’d have picked up that Im a real sucker for it. Sure each time, after aching backs, numb fingers and sleepless nights, I say, never again will I make things myself…”Next time, I’ll just hire someone to do this, and I’ll just rock up on the day to enjoy”…but then I don’t. ‘Cause, I have a stupid soft spot for arts and crafts (refer to previous “sucker” statement of earlier), and well, lets be honest, the wallet and I don’t always see eye to eye on what the party budget should be.
So with all of this in mind, its always so cool to me when I go to another kid’s party and find that the mom is just as big a sucker as me! This past Saturday, I went to just such a party. It was chock-a-block with all things hand-made! It was Princess Megan of Arendale’s Frozen party, and it couldn’t have been cooler!(ps.every single cheesy pun so far, totally intended!)
I loved it so much that I decided to share some of the cool ideas with you, maybe inspire some your own, in case you were planning a Frozen party.
Since the sun decided to play along, even in the midst of a July winter, meaning the mom could have it outdoors. The mom kept the décor pretty simple, and yet it was impactful. She had plenty of snowflake bunting hanging from the ceiling, with a cute little (big) Olaf balloon to meet the eye as you entered the party area.(Not pictured- sorry)
She had blue and white balloons, with a silvery (icy) birthday banner.
She hired a ice blue table cloth to bring home the ice theme. And in general she used the snacks to further help bring home the Frozen theme.
She made cute Olaf popcorn cups, with see-through plastic cups, stick on googly eyes and stickers.
She made ice cube marshmellows pops – that left the girls’ lips all sparkly pink and blue because of the glittery chocolate she used. (Can be seen on pix of the party table above.)
She used Niknaks as Olaf noses, which I thought was just the simplest most cleverest idea ever. (Those are my fave kinda ideas – the very doable and “why didn’t I think of that” kinda ideas.)
She had decorate chocksticks as Elsa wands…Sure, Elsa doesn’t have a wand, but still, the kids didn’t question it, they just liked the prettiness …and gobbled it up.
There were dipped oreos – masked as …oreos. So nothing nifty to it, but the blue dipped chocolate nicely brings home the frosty theme. And dang, people, its oreos! It’s a win already for just showing up! 🙂
There were pretty cupcakes iced with blue swirls of buttercream icing that served as skirts for the cutout toppers princesses’ dresses.
She had yogurt cups with chockits sticking out touted as Melting Olafs.And bubblegum milk shake with the tag phrase “Some people are worth melting for”.
Games and activities
Avant Garde Face Creations did the awesome little face art.
Side note:I found it so cute, that when Morgan-Lee sat down for her tun, she proceeded to have a conversation with her artist, and in the middle of it, she asks, “ SO whats your name?” and then continues to chat using the lady’s name…And there I’m thinking, if only I had that confidence from such a young age.
As it goes with kids this age (3 to 4 years), you don’t need too much in the way of games, they just need some open space, a place to bounce/jump and climb. But they DO love games, make no mistake, especially when managed well!
So these lovely little ladies were treated to a cute game of “Help Olaf find his nose”. Each little Elsa or Anna was blind folded, and equipped with a stick Olaf carrot nose. Much like Pin the tail on the donkey.
This winning mom made a lovely two tier birthday cake. Home-made– one of my favourite words. Home made birthday cakes will forever melt my heart. Mostly, because it reminds me of all the trouble my mom used to go through for us as kids..and all the stories I used to hear about my grandmother’s magnificent cakes.
The pinteresty mom of the day had both Elsa and Anna figurines ontop of the cake, I suppose to represent all the love from the little guests for both characters- as evidenced by all the little girls dressing up.
Party packs
Aside from the cake, for me what really stole my heart was part of the party pack take-homes. The rather generous mom gave a medium sized icy blue organza bag full of Frozen paraphernalia like:
• A pretty stencil
• Snowflake pencil
• Bubbles
• Those old school hand-held ball In a maze Frozen themed game
• A plastic ring (every princess needs a ring)
• Off the shelf Frozen packaged chocolate
• A fairy wand
• And a sweet little Thank-you take home activity- just check this out:
Morgan-had a sweet time, with my help of course (for the smaller bits like the smile), building her little Olaf.
She even managed to pose with it (jussst about), before she devoured him! It took some doing, I’ll tell you that.Some serious resistance required on her part for not eating while making him.
Either way, she and all the other little Elsa’s and Anna’s had a ball of a time. Such a girly party.
I was certainly inspired by the simplicity and niftiness of the ideas of this mom…So much so, I’d boldy go back and be a sucker for the next kiddies party again. 🙂 Hope you were too!x