Side note: That’s a mouthful for a post title, huh?! So many facets and intricacies wrapped up into ONE birth!
It’s only three days out from our little Coconutty turning two years old (I wrote this on Sunday already), and you bet Im neck deep in the good old baby files. Its where you’ll usually find me slumped over in a sentimental heap whenever the birthday of any of our children looms. Granted, this time, the files don’t exactly go waaaay back – I mean girlfriend is only about to clock two…but if you know anything about me by now, its that I take a serious amount of photographs. And trust me, there are some magic shots in there! And I totally will share. BUt thats not what Im here for today.
Nope. Today Im sharing Yuriko- Mae’s birth story. Yessss, I know I’ve “told” her birth story before, through my own heart, all the depths of my thoughts and experiences that day, stitched together in my words, with photographs apexing the very sentiment of it all. And I’m ever grateful to the many of you who’ve Continue reading