So, I’m kind of like a sucker for little celebratory holidays…yes, even the heavily commercial-spun ones. And yes, that means even Valentines Day. I like to see joy even in the ordinary – which is possibly why I like celebrate even the little things in life with my kids. But that doesn’t mean I like to be slave to the commercialism and empty my pockets out either. Nor does it mean that I often possess the “krag” to even be too fancy in my DIY efforts. So when energy levels are dipping like they currently are for me (I mean,we just about dusted ourselves off from first day at school), and minister of finance of our home got our wallets on lock down, I dig deep into the creativity think-box, and follow my finger down to the easy-peasy files.
The result of which was that Valentines Day this year, my girls could be a little sweet on some teachers and godparents with this little combo of a gift pack. I’ve had to Continue reading