This body of mine. It has recently been home to our third (fourth) darling child. It has nurtured, protected this little being as she grew within me, faithfully acted as a vessel for new life, and safely delivered her through the door way of our world …Channelling our child, literally straight, into our loving arms. And by this act alone, no matter how very “normal” it is, makes our bodies fundamentally extraordinary. And my body…our bodies- are able to do these incredible feats of nature; Are a pivotal part of the ingenious and complex structures of our universe and the perpetuation of our race. One can’t help but gasp and exhale all at once, in awe of it all…Right?
And yet, this time – this postpartum- all I could think when I saw my reflection in the mirror was, wow…I’m fat.
(I know, slap me now!)
Yes. All of that awe-inspiring realizations about the Continue reading