If there has ever been a question we’ve been asked the most about this pregnancy – aside from, “are you SURE it’s not twins?”, it would have to be, are you going to find about the gender with this one? And I get it, we have three girls..somehow everyone assumes that we must somehow on some level be HOPING for a boy… So they assume that we must be on edge about finding out. And also with us, you never know how we will roll – because we’ve done the waiting till birth (Parker-Grace), finding out as soon as possible (Morgan-Lee) because Dad just couldn’t take the suspense, and we’ve also done the whole gender reveal (Yuriko-Mae). So we’ve done the full gamut of “gender experiences” as such.
And I’ve got to say the best for me was waiting till birth. There is nothing like it. Nothing. And what was more, was that the midwife left it up to me to find out the gender, she immediately passed Parker to me to discover it for myself. And I was actually Continue reading