Note: 2020 Edits with 3rd recipe coming – just sorting out a few bugs.
Super easy butter beer
(2019 Edits added below!)
Potterheads- I know you’re out there…’cause when I posted about my schweet HP satchel from the UK on instastories, you all wanted in on that! And I love that. But its also no surprise, because WHO doesn’t love Potter, right? Well, this one is just for you…
So, long time readers would know how big we go on all holidays, and just how much of a nut I am about Halloween, and all about our Annual Halloween Bash we host. You’d also know I’ve been wanting to throw a Harry Potter themed since 2015, but each year something has come up. This year, a little surpise pregnancy has definitely thrown a spanner in those plans. But what I’ve discovered since last year’s Potter night (see here), is that whilst it may not be this massive bash with props, frills and spills I had envisioned, it was still very well received.
We spent a lot time last year trying to get the Butter beer recipe just right for our shenanigans. The girls even tried using their Continue reading