The postpartum period is a time like no other. That delicate period of cocooning, discovering and unfolding with your new little bundle(s) that follows birthing them into this world. It is a special time where once more your body does some amazing transformations, and you and baby dedicate yourselves to finding your rhythm, get to know each other and forge your bonds. It’s a paradoxical time of newness, excitement and monotony. And amidst all that, your hormones are roller-coastering, your sleep is dramatically reduced beyond your control, and your stamina and ability to maintain your poise gets tested like never before.
There is just so much morphing constantly, between baby AND you, at rate which almost feels impossible to keep up with. And, if not done with proper support or mindset, it could leave you reeling and depleted. Which is not the ideal way to start your mothering journey off. Your world changes, as do your perspectives – so radically, yet Continue reading