Learning to manage my energy
Gone fishing…or whatever else it is that people go do to disconnect and re-energise themselves.
Seriously, folks…I had all good intentions of posting my annual “To Parker-Grace on your birthday” post today- a post I’ve written in my head a thousand times this past month. Each time it sounding so perfect in my head – encapsulating her character, her quirks, the effect she had on us all, and personifying our love for her in a way that only love-drunk mom minds could conjure up…and yet, I couldn’t even get myself to sit down in front of my pc to manifest it into real written word. My brain. Was. Dead. …Is dead. So even my Halloween warm up post- that’s already been written last Wednesday, all the photos captured. Even titled, “Halloween: Almost GAME TIME!” – just sits here in draft. Looking at me like a hungry puppy just waiting for my green signal to “Go!” But I look at that post, and I can’t be sure it’s any good, if it Continue reading