You can swing a cat just about anywhere these days and you’re sure to hit a couple of Lush fans… I mean, who doesn’t LOVE them some Lush goodies right? All the spoilage is too hard to resist. Especially their bath bombs – can I get an amen? But those pretty little puppies can quickly start racking up heavily on the wallet if you used them as often as you’d like to. And trust me, I really want to everyday. Also, I have an insane and unstoppable need to make stuff myself. As is evidenced by this here blog. Fortunately, I stumbled upon a few cool bath bomb recipes last year. I had some trial and error and eventually perfected a recipe that worked perfectly for me. So much so, I even made a few as a take-home “dragon egg” bath bomb gifts for the littles at our recent kiddy Dragon Party.
What’s more is that the ingredients are all natural and are made especially for those sensitive skins. I am a huge fan of Epsom salts, which is great for skin, ridding the body of toxins and even helping calm kiddies down right before bedtime. (Hence I thought it was a great gift to the parents of those kids, after a party.)
Before we go Continue reading