Oh me gosh!Can you feel it? I sure can! And if you walk into our home right now, you’d even be able to smell it too! What am I blubbering about? Christmas feels, of course!!! T’is the season indeed, and the Porter abode is alight with it! Actually, come to think of it, it’s literally alight with it.
That’s right, we got our shizz together this year, and actually had our lights up first weekend of December. Hot damn- that’s happened pretty much never before. We’re usually your 11th hour decorators, and compact all the magic of christmas into the week and a half leading up to Christmas, and then let it linger all the way till after the new year. (Because its far too much trouble to set it all up without getting your money’s worth out of it right?!) But this year? This year, just call us Mr. and Mrs. Claus, baby, ’cause we are totally ontop of it! (Although, I’m hoping the elves are going to work Continue reading