Looking back on where my mind was when I first felt all of this, then looking where we are now, there’s an energetic bubbling in my being for the sheer realization that dreams do come true. Every time I catch myself staring at the four little people who call me ‘mama’ interacting with each other, I have a great sense of excitement of what is to come, only surpassed by the sense of pure gratitude of what already is. At this point in our lives, we’ve now gone full circle, as by His good graces we have our large family that we ached for. But, the journey towards developing that beautiful tapestry of a tight-knit family unit is one of perpetual motion. An on-going labour of love. One, I was SO excited to start, that I thought I’d crack open my heart and mind a bit here, and share my rhymes and reasons. This was where I was when we were only at the start of this journey…
I’ve grown both tired of and used to the all too common reaction I get from most people when they hear how many children Mike and I would like to have.Yes, I know it doesn’t make sense to most people why we would want a large family, in this “day and age”, but also I’ve been fielding that question since I was about eight years old. In fact, I can still remember one of my first adlib Afrikaans orals I did in high school had me batting off that question. Mostly it’s been my dream, and thankfully I have a man who was and still is on board with it- so now it’s our dream. God-willingly, of course.
Maybe if you knew that I come from a large family, you’d maybe better understand why wanting a big family is less Continue reading