If you recall, I had a serious craving for beer a few months back, like just say the word beer, and my mouth would start salivating. Isn’t it enough that I already have what looks like a beer boep?…now I still have a desperate craving for BEER that could very well rival that of Homer’s on any given Sunday. And I mean, I don’t just crave like, oh a block of chocolate would do nicely right about now kind of craving…No, I’m talking, like the smell of beer gets me drooling; The sound of my hubby cracking open a cold one has me all Pavlov’ing and running just to come sniff it. I’m talking, I watch my hubby drink his beer, lustfully (the beer, not him)…(I mean him too, but, you know, more the beer right then.)..to the point that I can see it makes him feel uncomfortable being watched like that. Sometimes I interrupt him just to ask for a sniff…Sooo close to my lips, I could easily just slip in a sip right? But I don’t, cause: Preggers!! So I just silently watch him , smacking my lips unconsciously and sniffing deep sniffs until he eventually finishes it quickly to make me stop.
Quite an existence to have right? Well, thankfully that’s Continue reading