These babies are SO versatile as they can be used for iceblocks, candy, melted chocolate and keep an eye out for how i will use them for salads!???? Continue reading
Category Archives: Birth Photography
Why would you book a Birth Photographer?!
*Side-note: I was not paid nor asked to write this post, it was purely inspired by my sheer love of this photographic art, of the beauty of birth itself, and by the enquiring looks I got when I shared my experience with them. I hope more women will be inspired to do so as well.
So, if you’ve ever watched Parker-Grace’s birth story, you probably may have noticed the exquisite photography used to capture the day. It was clearly not daddy taking a few quick snaps before rushing back to mom, and definitely not the paed saying,”Smile!”. Nope. Those are photographs with a pro touch. And this was no accident, people. You see, because of the sheer beauty and gravity of the day when we first welcomed our first born, and only the handful of rather vanilla pix we had to show for it, coupled with my love for photography, we decided to call in the big guns for baby number two’s arrival, and had a professional birth photographer there. Yup, a photographer at the birth!
Mind you, it wasn’t a likely decision, especially for my hubby. We hemmed and hah’ed about it, just like any other couple I think would – allowing a complete stranger WITH a camera lense into your very personal and sacred birth space! I think deep down I had Continue reading
Parker-Grace’s Birth Story: A VIDEO chronicle of a peaceful Hypnobirth
I’ve shared Morgan-Lee’s birth story with you(If you’ve missed it, start here.). It may be a bit long and verbose, but (hopefully) still beautiful. Admittedly, I don’t I think I actually did enough justice to its beauty. But I suppose, as with most birth stories, that may be something that a mother may never get right in the written word, and it will, instead, forever only live on, very clearly, in my head.
Parker-Grace’s birth story, however, I’ve decided that instead of letting you read it…I’ll show it to you! You know what they say about pictures and a thousand words, right? So perhaps I’ll let you do the maths on words for a video!!! It is a Continue reading
Morgan-Lee’s birth story Part 4: Guarding against mental exhaustion & revelling in the sheer joy of welcoming baby
So that Tuesday, 17 May 2011, after seeing my midwife, Marcha (only the second time I had ever laid my eyes on her), hubby went out and got the Rasberry leaf tea, which Marcha had suggested. He returned to find me engrossed in some serious organizational task in the nursery. I promised I would have the tea the moment I am done with everthing. He tried to get to take just a tiny ity bity tea break, but I could not be moved- I had a to do list to tick off- but I also couldn’t be happier. But,you know, up until last week, times weren’t always this stress-free.
To find out why, and also how it was that at 39 weeks preggo,I had only met my midwife twice, go catch up over here first, then here and here. Otherwise, just read on for the actual birth story. Continue reading
What went down at the Positive Birth Movement Event last Saturday
First off, what a bad ass venue they had for the event: The Viper Lounge, out in Glencairn. Imagine that, a bunch of midwives,doulas,mommas and preggos, hanging out, talking about the most empoweringly feminine act of all life events…at a biker hangout…LOVE it.Huge props to the awesome staff of Viper Lounge for hosting us all so warmly. But I suppose if you heard the beautiful stories of strength, determination, courage and never-say-die attitude that came from that bunch of women, I’d say they were pretty badass themselves. And so a good match for the venue!
Second off, I was Continue reading
Birth Photography: My guilty little internet pleasure

Powerful and moving image: Swiped from Birth Photography Community’s Facebook cover page. You need to go visit their FB page!Like, now!
We all have one. Admit it. No matter how busy you are. No matter how tired you may be(from your full workday, to the super sprint of getting home to your overly-energetic smallies, then squeezing in quality time with them, suppertime, bathtime and then the homestretch of bedtime). That little guilty pleasure you quickly indulge in, when you need an instant pick-me-upper or when you just want to switch off a bit. You know, something to make you feel like you’re NOT a slave to the daily grind of the routine. For some its Dilbert cartoons, for others its Youtube videos of cats or tv series (Game of Thrones, anyone?). Or maybe its some FB stalking, whatever floats your boat. For me, it has become scrolling through birth photography pictures.
I just cannot get enough of it. Every single time, Im blown away by the Continue reading