Oh hello lovelies, the suns out, but my bum’s in bed…nursing my feet that gave up the ghost after this year’s spectacular kicking of my ass. Bust up feet, as sissy as this injury may sound, is total buzz kill and an unfortunate side effect of multiple pregnancies coupled with a genetic disorder I discovered I have, matched with a very busy festive period. Also, I’m now stuck in limbo… aka the period between Christmas and New Year, where you’re completely unaware of what day it is, nor interested in even finding out! 😉
But I have to remind myself, there’s currently no space to actually chill, as MY SON WILL BE TURNING ONE in just THREE DAYS time! I have a party to plan..nevermind shop and prep and bake for! Yes, bake, cause NO ONE is available this time of the year, and also I woke up too late to book any party services. So the jokes really on me, but Im too tired to get it. Like Im struggling to get to grips with reality here. Mostly I guess Im in denial that my baby boy..my last baby…is turning ONE!! Like whaaa’?!
Then a time hop app popped up with some sweet photos of my last baby shower (for Remy-James), which reminded me I also STILL haven’t shared ANY of THAT with you either! (Geezz, way to rub it in that Im dropping balls for points here, Universe!)
So here I am..instead of closing my eyes and catching much needed sleep, Im strolling down memory lane…And what a beautiful day it was that my insanely darling friend, Phillipine and my sister-in-law threw for me. Of course my mom baked our cake – ’cause no one’s baking could ever taste as good as her’s. NO ONE’S!
We kept it very intimate, very simple…we had new friends and old friends there…all people who have been good to us. Cradled us with love and care through our journey as bumbling tired parents. Have cooked for us, kept our spirits singing – whether its by swinging by with full blown meals and happy spirits with a newborn Yuriko-Mae, holding babies so I can sleep for a bit, or popping in with cake to meet Remy-James (and then sharing their cake with my gimba children. Or inviting us over for dinner where they dance with our kids, hold our babies, make us put our feet up and feed us – both in food and spirit.
My insanely talented sis-in-law made everything look so pretty…and made the simple floral infatuation I had at the time, come to life. (its weird how ive transformed from this super plain, very rough and tumble kinda chick, who’d start her day with push ups and chin-ups and end the day by kicking the bag, to a very soft, floral-loving, lets sit barefoot here by the stream kinda hippie…Weird….Aggg, whom I kidding?! I’d still kick the bag and do the chin-ups if I’d get the chance…So I guess Im that and just more now!)
Point being…I had a lovely day, and was so ever grateful to all the beautiful people in our life – my sisters in law, my nieces, nephews’ signifigant others, my friends who are family…all of them for making the day, and our lives that much sweeter. This was my last ever baby shower, and whilst Im pretty sure and feeling good about completing my family, I cant lie and say I don’t have some twisted feelings about it all coming to an end…But if ever there was one to end it all on a high note for me/us…this was just perfect!
So without further ado, here are few snaps from our day on the 9 December 2018…



I cannot even remember what all I put in here! Preggy brain. I almost think it was caramel popcorn – my fave!

My sis in law gave shoewr scrubs and other shower goodies as part of the thank you – i thought that was SO sweet & clever!

A candle gift for them to light on the day Remy-James was born
Mikey and I still parenting..cause there are no shifts in parenting 🙂
Things I want to remember about this Shower:
-Yuriko-Mae didnt want to leave my side. She was still super-duper incredo shy, and needed to be in mine or Mike’s arms. She eventually made her way to the cousins. But later when her bedtime came and went, she needed her mom’s arms.
_Yuriko-Mae actually loved up on Simmy pretty easy. It was pleasantly suprising to see her warm up so easily to another female.
– the way I felt when I walked into that party…was just..just incredible. Wonderful infact. I had been praying forever to just make a few goals for this pregnancy. It was never an issue before for me, but now that I was almost forty, carrying our 5th child, and knowing that Coco suprused us and came early, I knew that ANYTHING could happen. Also, baby boy was making moves that were sending off signals in my brain that he was coming soon. This was the first time I took off so “early” from work, and I knew my body needed it. SO I wanted to make it to our baby shower. Make it to our Maternity SHoot. Then I wanted to make thorugh Christmas (Lord knows I’ve done Christmas with a newborn on the arm before, and I was less than chuffed about that). Then I asked baby to also make sure he didnt come on the days that our birth photog wasn’t available (yes, you can talk to them..but its totes up to them if they’re willing to listen.) 🙂 So making it to this milestone first up, felt truly like ok, PROGRESS!
_I was super tired. I was so happy though. ANd that happiness is what kept going through it all. Knowing this was my last and that there were no do overs seriously pulled me together to make sure I savoured the last of this. All of this. BUt holy ishhhh was i freakin tired. The last photo in this post you can see it – happy but tired. And to be honest I wasnt sure how long I could hold it all together. But i wanted to. And that helps, I believe. Also , an amazing hubby who will drag your ass across the finish line is critical! 🙂
_ I love my man. SO MUCH! And this shower was a celebration of not just our boycoming, but also of us, as a team…and how we’ve done this gig together. Gahhd, I love him!
-My sis in law is freagin talented. She made all the decor herself. Shes got the chops to go make it a business.
-My friend Philly and her fam are just top drawer & I love them. Not that I need to write that down to remember, but felt i wanted to.
-Also, my mom..love that woman. We are such different women. But as life goes on, I admire her more and more, and wish to be more like her in many ways. And always feel blessed that I get to share these moments with her..even if i have to MAKE HER share it with me! lol
Tired as a mother…and father 🙂

And there you have it. Can you even believe its been a year since this shower? Would love to hear from you…Also at this rate I should be done with his birth story by the time hes 21! 🙂 (Oh Lawd, I hope not!)
Now…to quell my frustration of not being able to move on SUCH gorgeous day…Im going to try & plan for our little Remy’s 1st BIRTHDAY!! (or more likely get stuck in the abyss of his photographs!)
It was indeed such a beautiful day with lovely people. You’re truly blessed with such amazing friends as Phillipine & her family for hosting your baby shower and all the tasty treats they prepared.
You looked sooo gorgeous in these pics….. and if that’s what TIRED looks like in the last pic I’d take some anytime.
I have a special sister in law also to be SO THANKFUL for, as she brings her talents and gifts so graciously and generously always to these kind of gatherings and makes everything look so beautiful! 😉