Say what now?! We won?!
I am utterly thrilled and so grateful to have won this award! Its the first time I’ve EVER entered any kind of competition, so this is truly exciting! Although truth be told, I cant think of any scenario where this would not be exciting!
I mean, you merely have to just do a quick squizz through the panel of judges to understand that this was a rigorous exercise performed by some top drawer professionals. And as such, I feel both humbled and validated in a sense. Now if you knew me, you’d know I never look outside for validation, and can tell you straight that I NEVER started this blog looking for it – in fact, I’m sure most who blog never did – but when pouring your heart into a labour of love and wanting to create and put something positive out in this world, that can be of service to others, it sure can be rewarding to receive an accolade in that respect.
Its actually what I really love about this competition – the fact that it’s not vote based, like a popularity contest. Instead, it’s actually judged by experts in their craft, and based on content and merit. So thank you to the judges for taking the time to read all the entries and applying yourselves so graciously and diligently. Elana Afrika Bredenkamp, Sureshinie Rieder, Thami Kwazi (from The Citizen), AfroDaddy, and Sonya Naude (Editor at Living and Loving magazine) : THANK YOU!
The #SAPAwards was hosted in association with Parenty, and SA Mom Blogs, with Heather step and Jacqui Bester of OnemessyMama as the two incredible co-founders.
Also, if you look at all the other winners, you’ll see I’m in some pretty awesome company! As I said on social media over here, I have mad respect for them. I know how hard they work. I have no doubt you’d love them too. Some of them you probably know SO well already, but there may be some that you still need to check out. See all the winners and their posts here.
But mostly, thank you to you, dear readers. Thank you for taking the time to come read the meanderings of my mind in my little corner of the interwebs; For weighing in on matters. For sharing my pieces with other women who you felt would benefit from my research, experience and /or in some cases my qualified knowledge. For engaging with me, not just as readers, but as mothers, as women. For supporting me through those tough mothering moments, and for trusting me by sharing yours and choosing to be vulnerable with me. You honestly make the labour of love absolutely worth it.
Also, guys….as I said on Twitter, the irony that I may tear up at the thought of winning BEST TEAR JERKER post, is not lost on me! 😉
Have the BEST week! x
ps. I was asked about this, and it is listed on that announcement page of SA Mom Blogs, but just in case you’re also looking, these were the two posts submitted: Here and here.