Guys, we did it! Can I get a halleluja! Despite the levels of insane exhaustion right now. In the face of the crazy schedules we have in our lives right now; with work mixed in with small babies, breastfeeding, pumping, big kids, and 3am-5am feeding sessions (Lawd, give me strength!)…we (finally) pulled off that do-over birthday celebration for our baby girl!
Remember? Our eldest Morgy had her birthday slap bang in the midst of all the chaos when the black plague hit our home back in May. We didn’t have any big plans for parties that day, except for just family coming over to wish her. But if you know the size of my family, you know it’s a helluva party already! But with all the bugs & viruses going around at the time, and Remy-James being so small and vulnerable at the time (just coming out of hospital), we ended up with only the grans coming over to wish her – much to her broken heart!
Anyway, fast forward to almost two months later (who’s counting?!) and I managed to pull a much promised do-over day for her this past Saturday. (the morning right after my own birthday dinner!oophh!) We just invited four of her buddies to spend some fun time with her. The fact that I pulled it off in less than a week leaves me both chuffed and relieved that it didn’t take much to put it all together. Also big props to the other moms for being available at last minutes notice!
I went with a glow in the dark theme much to my girl’s delight. I knew there was a place around the corner from us (read: convenient) that had a funky 3D glow in the dark putt putt, called Glowing Rooms.
Now I knew it was just a quick 2- 3 hours of having fun with your buddies in the name of birthday and not quite a full on party – although my friend would that with me – I still wanted it to have feel of birthday party celebration. And nothing quite like having a few fun accessories to bring home the theme and scream celebration fun! But I also knew I didn’t have the time or energy to pour myself crazily into this either, like I normally would, with a bunch of hand made shizz to boot. So I hit the local King Cake for accessories I had not spotted yet, but I figured if I can imagine them, surely they exist. (the faith is strong with this one!) And as sure sunshine, King Cake delivered!
I got:
Glow in the dark birthday tiara for Morgy
Glow in the dark bracelets for everyone else:
Glow in the dark tats:
Glow in the dark face paint: (they come in a few colours other than these two as well)
Extra glow sticks in a tube (they come in a tube of 50 – I usually have a bunch as I buy for New Years and Summer Night Swims. But King Cake seems to always have them in stock.)
And put together a small thank you gift simply using that box of glow sticks…
I slapped on this simple tag I made using image search and doctoring it in paint, (but you can use it here if you want)
Glowing rooms is situated out Milnerton, and offer an 18 hole 3d glow in the dark putt putt experience.
Its supposed to be space themed but honestly, if youre looking a Moana theme party, this could total pass as Lalotai – realm of monsters. (thanks to my colleague for sharing this with me last year)
Now, I didn’t use their party rooms, because if you ask me, it doesn’t make economical sense at R230 per kid, with minimum 10 people. (and that excludes all food, only a slushie, and excludes your 3D glasses)
I did bring with a stack of brownies & a candle to sing to her, but was promptly reminded by management that I was not allowed to bring in any foods – unless I hired the party room.
Despite that, I must however say that I found the staff on the day quite friendly. However, the other gripe I did have was that EVERYONE has to pay – no matter how young. And whilst Im very glad Coco got to play, I didnt really appreciate the cold-hearted statement in an email saying that their “youngest player was 8 months old – everyone must pay to go in.” Now, Im no freakin fool to believe an 8 month old was actually playing putt putt, and I get that they have a strict policy on entry fees (because the fun is truly in the visuals of the place), but i think they’d probably be better off if their email customer relations etiquette was more in tact.
Other than that, I highly recommend this place for an hour or two of fun – for both kids and adults.
Now, back to the actual day…

Just hanging in this spaceship, no big deal

Sisters in puttputt, who play it like it’s hockey

Coco, hanging with the big girls like it aint no thang, just waiting to tee off like she’s been doing it all her life…

Why yes, I screwed up your props to take a selfie with it…
I loved seeing my girl having fun with her friendies – and such lovely little ladies they are!


This girl is electric
Coco also made herself quite at home… I honestly love how she feels right at home with the big kids.
And then this picture…because you need it in your life! 🙂
We had such a dope time, with minimal effort. And most importantly, my big girl loved it and felt special, especially when they all cheers’ed slushies to her!
Now, can you imagine the onslaught of ideas Parky is now hitting me with for HER birthday after experiencing this?!… 😐
Help me… Next week is COco’s birthday…and this week is my mom’s…so it’s certainly Birthday Bonanza month for us, it seems…
Well done MommaBear!
Thanks for sharing this super cool party idea; my kid would definitely love it for her next bday.
Thanks Faz! Glad you found it useful! XXXX
This is such a fabulous idea!
Thanks so much Jodie! I think this one may feature again with the others one day?