Listen up, Agents of the Easter Bunny! Yes, that’s you , mom!(and dad!)
The time has come to get your shizz together..if you’ve already got your basket sorted, pay no attention, move along, swiftly…you’re already cooler than us. But if you’re like the rest of us, and only now about to embark on your annual scramble to get some half decent goods together now – then this one is for you! In fact, so if you’re looking for goods that are not a complete waste of your money, and wont end up as useless junk on the heap of other useless junk on your mantle, then listen up!!!
What’s more is that if you’re just in need of some ideas of what to get, and not looking for specifics, per say, just need a bit of a guide, then I also have your back! But know that I’ve got you covered, either way!
Generally speaking there are no rules here, but here’s what the Easter Bunny likes to stick into the basket:
1. Something warm and cozy for the coming cooler months -think pyjamas and/or slippers – I love seeing my kiddies looking all cosy and cute in their jams. Although, I give it to them well before the actual basket. But that’s up to you.
2. BOOKS! (See here for our favourite Easter Book picks – will update soon!) Oh my gosh! If you’ve followed me for some time you’d know this is like my fave part of the baskets, and the rest of kind just act as fun fillers. Because I feel like the books are the best way we can teach our little kids about the concepts of Easter. And have fun while doing it.
3. Bunny Ears – it’s a staple guys!
4. Bunny plushie
5. Toy/activity that encourages outdoor play – Something I would buy in anycase, but just use this as a good excuse to refresh.
6. Activity/craft for cooler days and when outdoors is not an option – Something I would also have bought in any case.
7. Hop Scotch Spa goodies – “homemade” spa goodies that the girls still believe is made by the Easter Bunny. 🙂 ( See here for easy-peezy how-to)
8. Some summer things to keep us looking forward to “the more” that is our year. (This is purely something I’ve introduced this year, as the girls do need new cozzies anyway, and felt it would be perfect suprise in their baskets.).
9. Chocolate egg Cause what’s Easter without it!?
However,now with THREE different categories to think of when considering all four different ages of my kids, I’ve had to do a little more searching to make sure all their baskets are just as fun, and practical! So with that here you go:
Easter Basket Ideas for Baby:
Ok, with baby, the crafts and activities are not as wide a selection obviously, as babies don’t need all that, but here you go:
1. There are some cute little Easter Jams-jams for the babies this year at Cotton On.
2. I found a few adorable bunny & mousey slippers at Woolworths (R79!)
3. We dont do sugar for the smallies, and Remy-James is far too small for anygoodies – the only chocs he’s getting is from the choccies I devour and find it’s way to my breastmilk! But if your baby has started solids then Squish is a great basket goody!
4. Our little baby boy loves books – fits right in with the rest of his crew. And we feel like its never to early to start raising readers. So these books from BabiesRus are perfect.
5. Lily & Jack Snuggle Bunny is still such a sweet option if you’re looking for a plushie or sleep buddy for baby. Pssss, Kids Emporium is currently having a sale on one of these! You’re welcome! 😉
6. Squishy babies in swimsuits? Yes please! How cute is he going to look in these from Nextdirect!?
7. The only sweet thing about teething? These cute cookie chewies that look just like my favourite cookie! That way I won’t feel bad for not sharing my box with him while he stares at me drooling. 😉Kids Emporium stocks these!
8. The Crazy Store always come through with soft & cute bunny ears, and perfectly soft enough for little baby heads.
Easter Basket Ideas for Toddler:
1. I have no doubt my Coconut is going to enjoy this sweet board book, Llama llama Easter Egg. It has short and simple rhyming text, thats perfect for the smallies when they’re not yet ready for longer stories. ( I SO wanted to update my Easter Book picks for 2019, but that’s Newborn Mom life for ya!)
2. So, I stand by what I say, “we don’t do chocolate for the smallies“. But chances are, Yuriko-Mae will get an egg – purely because she still absolutely rules this roost. And will very likely steal her sisters’ eggs if she doesn’t get her own. Save your judgement, Becky. I pick my battles, people. I suggest you do too. And if you’re on the same page as me, know that Cadbory’s have an excellent selection to choose from. (I got the egg with the bunny ears headband – score!)
3. Little sister over here has recently discovered the joy of sidewalk chalk after her sisters broke out their old stash recently. But to avoid future fights over who’s hogging the yellow, sister gets her own stash with these cute Easter egg sidewalk chalk cartons from Mr Price.
4. These beads from B.Toys called Beauty Pops have my kids busy-busy-busy, and has been a real win with my little Coco. If she didnt already have these, I’d definitely have popped into her basket this year.
5. And these stripey fuzzy monster jam-jams from Woolworths won over all the bunny ones for me this year.
6. Bunny ears – each year we use our old faithfuls from Mr price. However this year, I have my eyes set on these from Claires.
7. Takealot has a really great budget option for bunny plushies! (R75! And in stock, ready immediately!)
8. And to cover those cute little baby buns of my toddler come next summer, I got her this cute swim cozzie from H&M.
Easter Basket Ideas for Kids:
1. These may not be bunny-ish in anyway, but the fuzzy cuteness of the print comes close enough for these pyjamas from Woolworths to make it onto my Easter Basket Goody list for sure. Plus, I like my kids all matchy-matchy. (Well, three out four aint bad in this case!)
2. So, Im beginning to realise Im not going to get the time to share my Easter book selection this year with you. But, if there is one I’d like to share with you here, its this cute one, Mr Bunny’s Chocolate Factory by Elys Dolan, Takealot. (See previous year’s Easter Book Selection here)
3. For those who caught my stories, the girls have rediscovered their love for sidewalk chalk. So this six pack of Easter egg shaped chalk from Mr Price is going to go down a treat with them!
4. Each year we use our old faithfuls Bunny Ears from The Crazy Store. However this year, I have my eyes set on these from Claires.
5. I found these super cute slippers booties that’s gonna be perfect for the winter. I’m so bummed I couldn’t find a pair in Coco’s size.
6. I love me some bunny plushies, but I’m starting to feel like my big girls are starting to outgrow the usefulness of said bunny plushies. I mean they still love them, but honestly, how many bunnies does one actually NEED in your home?! So instead this bunny crossbody sling bag from CottonOn I think ticks the boxes of both “keep them little and cute“, and “they’re growing up“, quite nicely.
7. And to keep our minds cheery when Winter blues get us down, we’re keeping our sights firmly on next summer with new swim cozzies. I got them the same as the toddler ones – ’cause matchy-matchy, ya’ll!
8. Not pictured: Key rings and other bag decor are all the rage these days…or at least it is in my house. (we’ve been making many of our own for the past two years!) I got cute fluffy ball ones as a not so subtle nod to the Easterbunny and his cotton tail at Evermore for next to nothing! (R13! Which is a steal compared to the rest of the current retailers)
9. Also not pictured: I found the cutest little unicorn purses that are right up my girls’ allies, as they are starting to love the idea of carrying money around when we go out. Also, unicorns – ’nuff said. I got these at a bargain price of about R10 at Evermore!
And that’s it – Hoppy Shopping! T-minus FOUR days to get your baskets together! You can do iiit! X