An awesome Giveaway and Discount straight from Santa’s Office!
Its absolutely no secret we go straight stupid about our holidays in this home, and when it comes to the mother of all holidays, Christmas, we go into full freak mode. So it was a pure delight for the kids and myself when we received an especially early North Pole delivery last week from our friends at Elf For Christmas. And together with them we get to spread some of that Christmas cheer and give a bit of an early Christmas gift to not only just one special person, but ALL my readers can get in on some of this action!
But before we get into that, let me introduce you to our new little housemate, named Jingle McMerry. (named by our eldest two of course!)
As you may recall last year, we started our new family tradition of welcoming a scout elf, Trixy-Poppy into our home. So my girls are all for having elves make themselves at home by us. But it was really Yuriko-Mae – our smallest- who gave this new little guy an especially warm welcome when he arrived last week. This girl was seriously taken with him, and I struggled to convince her to give him back. So clearly he was a win from the very moment all my girls set eyes on him.
BUT, what makes this little dude extra special is that he comes with an awesome rewards kit that has been designed to help encourage better behaviour. (Because Lawd knows we’ve probably exhausted the tag lines of parenting bribery and corruption like, “Santa’s watching you!”, or “Do you want me to call Santa right now?!”, or the like.) So, elf arrives with a full package of goodies that will help blackmail monitor your child in the run up to Christmas.
As you may recall, Im a believer in the use of these kind of reward systems. Yes, there may be one or two drawbacks that have been noted by some others, but personally, we’ve only had positive results with the use of ours. And this particular reward system I think works particularly well.
Now, this could be because – hello! cute tiny people from the North pole – anything magical is bound to capture the attention of a kid, or because everything is made to be simple and convenient for the parents who make the magic come alive behind the scenes. Not only do you get your little reward chart, with north-pole-esque stickers, along with sweetly decorated good behaviour certificates, but they also come with ready-made letters from the elf for the elf’s first day and introductions, as well as a goodbye letter, and thank you postcard. So no extra effort required on your part mom or dad! Not to mention the little encouraging notes already made up for you, that elf leaves for the kids that can be left around the home to be found by the kids.
What also makes this a bit easier for parents is the flexibility of this elf, in that he can be touched without losing his magic – so there will be no states of armegodon in any household, should some tiny hand touch him. And there are no real fixed rules that may set you up for “failure” either. Now, I of course am all for and totally gung-ho about these kind of things, and love a good back story, with delightful touches of magic. But I know there are many parents out there who would truly appreciate the ease of this little Elf. And the back story is entirely up to you, really. So you can make this elf your own, in whatever way works for your schedule and family.
I mean honestly, I cannot see myself telling Coco she cant hug or kiss Jingle…just look at her with him!
What does still remain true to elf nature is that these little guys are mischievous as ever, and are always up to something naughty in your home. Their arms and legs have been designed so that you can manipulate them more easily into any position, and their hands have velcro making it easier to keep them in specific positions to frame them make them appear as if they were up to no good.
When the kids wake in the morning to find what these little guys were up to in the night, it really is absolutely darling to see their faces and reactions to it all. I swear, it’s worth the effort.They retail for R499.98, check it out over here. Oh, and for families with more than two kids, they have a special refill pack you can purchase for R229.98!
Ps. Spoiler alert – Im giving one of these elves with a magical reward kit away!!! But wait, there’s more I want to share with you first…
Advent Letters
If there is something that my girls are definitely showing signs of enjoying, is the sheer pleasure in getting snail mail…like an actual letter, that you can hold in your hand, and smell the paper and ink on. There remains something very exciting about it for me to this day, and clearly my girls get it too. Now, marry this new developing love for post, with their already existing excitement for advent calendars, and (I mean, honestly…) anything from the North Pole, and you have a huge winner with kids!Making these Advent Letters a 1st prize gold medalist in the Christmas stakes!
These little advent letters are straight from the Office of Santa Claus, and are all official North Pole correspondences from an insider elf, named Pip McJingles, and are very sweet little notes that come in a miniaturized and endearing little elf size. It is here that Pip gives some fun little updates of all the shenanigans and fun that’s going down at the North Pole for each day of December, right up until Christmas Eve. And I honestly, what kid doesn’t wonder about what all happens up there? So these make for perfect little sneak peaks into that magic world.
What’s nice is that Pip is a separate elf to your magical Elf for Christmas little guy that comes with a rewards kit. So, you don’t need to have an actual elf in your house for these advent letters to work. This is perfect if your kid happens to be one of those rare ones who are freaked out by a little doll that can come to life and sneak around the house, or for any reason that you may not have an elf in the house yet. They are also perfect if you’re trying to avoid all the sugary indulgence that often come with other advent calendars.
What you could also do is maybe slap in a nice little report card from the North Pole about your kiddies behaviour here, to help encourage good behaviour.
And lastly, as a sweet little touch, I loved the little tip from Maz on Caffeine & Fairydust, about sticking these notes into the freezer for a bit before giving it, so that they have an authentic icy North Pole feel when the kids find them! But honestly, you can tuck them away anywhere that’s sure to be a surprise: on their bathroom mirror, in their cereal box, in postbox, under their pillow, on the breakfast table. Or maybe even try a bit of scavenger hunt that leads them to it. Or keep it as simple as you want, just have fun with it.
Im keeping these for December 1st, as I know my kids are going to be completely enamored with them, so I definitely don’t want to ruin the surprise for them by giving it too early.
Now, you can get yours over here for R259.98 BUT just for you my reader, from now until November 25 2018, you can use my discount code, ELF07 on these, the elves or anything in their store for a discount.
Yes, you read right, a discount code! Thanks to Elf for Christmas, I am giving ALL my readers a 15% discount off not only their advent letters and Elf with magical reward kit, but on ALL their products! So even if you already have either one of these products I’ve reviewed up here, there’s so much more you can add to the collection. Like these:
The Light Elf Door/Night light (i totally have my eye on this one!)
North Pole Sticker set…and there’s more (go check them out!)
But now, for the main event and early Christmas gift, if you’re keen to get one of these delightful little elves for your home (either a boy or girl elf), I am giving ONE lucky reader one of these sweet little buggers to have and to hold!(ie. One girl or boy elf with the magical rewards kit)
All you have to do are these TWO simple steps: (And PLEASE follow ALL the steps!)
1. Follow Elf for Christmas South Africa on instagram (over here)
2. Follow me (traxgport) over here.
3. And comment below telling us what your Instagram handle (name) is and what you think your kids will think of this little elf.
And that’s it!
For an additional entry, go over onto twitter and tweet (copy & paste):
“Hey @milkmemoirs ! I’d love to bring in the #christmas magic & win that cute #ElfforChristmasSA for our home!”
Rules: Only open to South African addresses. Competition closes 25 November 2018. Winner will be announced the same day. Winner can choose either a girl or boy elf and must claim prize within 24 hours of the announcement, else new one will be selected.
Good luck!!
So get cracking on those entries! In the mean time, don’t forget, ALL of you lovelies get to use my special discount code ELF07 to be used on any of their products online. This discount is valid from now until 25 November 2018! So get a clicking, folks!
Ps. Guys, I normally try and hold myself back come November, so that I don’t dive straight into popping Christmas confetti just yet. You know, I do like a bit of foreplay to warm me up and get me properly in the mood….maybe even just some recovery from all the festivities that goes down in October…but this time, honestly, with this little elf in our house, its becoming harder and harder to say no to all the Christmassy delights that are calling my name…
Ohhhh, the excitement of christmas! X
My eldest absolutely adores everything Christmas related. Even though he is 10, his autism still renders him a bit more childlike but as tough as it can be, it has its endearing qualities as well. Like now, when he tries writing (with moms help) a letter to santa, being a good boy so he wont be on the naughty list and not being able to wait to out up the tree! Our middle child and my only daughter who also has autism doesnt get the just of the fesitivities unfortunately but she does love her some cuteness including anything of the stuffed and colourful variety. Their baby brother obviously thinks he rules the roost and thinks everything belongs to him lol the little bossy boots, but at the same time loves to share as well and i know he will adore this little elf and will probably chew on those long arms and legs if the poor unfortunate elf makes his way into his chubby little hands. Best that elf stay on the shelf! Its safer lol but overall, we all love christmas and we try make it as festive as possible for all. This little elf would be the perfect addition to our christmas celebrations and would be a lovely new little tradition to start with the kiddos. Tracey, its never to early to dive into all things Christmas – please go right ahead! I cant wait to see what you have up your every creative sleeve!
-Jade aka @jsomething777 instagram
Is it too early to put up my Christmas decor???
My kids would freaking love it! And I can see Harper going gaga over that little elf should we win. We have had our own little elf for the past 2 years but trying to think of shenanigans gets old real quick lol. Those advent letters are seriously such a brilliant idea!
Instagram handle: jodiehowe1983. I’m not so sure that my eldest will take to this as he already figured out (after only two little teeth fell out last year!!) that the tooth fairy is mummy…I’m sure Santa and his elves not being real will soon also be dispelled. But my youngest will LOVE this. He’s all into fantasy, magic and make believe at the moment <3
We are Christmas obsessed and I’m SO ready to plan a different elf scene for each day, as we count down to Christmas. Both our boys are at such awesome ages, that I can’t wait to see their expression as they find their elf every morning
lbrandon190x- oh my word!! My boys would just love this- they asked me the whole of December last year ‘ why they didn’t have an elf on the shelf?’ Like their friends did?!? And the rewards stickers/chart is an added big bonus for mom ?!!! Getting so excited! Roll on Christmas ? xxx
Oops- wrote down the wrong email ?
My son would absolutely love this and I think he will definitely behave better with his elf on the shelve watching him 🙂
Instagram handle: MyWomble
First of all I am a 40 year old kid who has transferred her love for Christmas, elves, fairies and unicorns to her to beautiful kids. They can not help to get excoted because momny is bouncing from the tinsel. My Christmas decoratiins have been up from end of October. We have had an especially tough year this year and the kids had to give up a lot. They would love some little elf spreading some Christmas magic, cheer and LOVE! Thank you!
Little Evelyn and Kyle will be absolutely delighted to have with the cute adorable and magical Elf and will certainly have Elf with them all the time from making Christmas decor to helping me bake even at story time at night and definitely at the Family’s Christmas luncheon Elf is sure to bring joy happiness and laughter this festive season for kids.
My son can’t wait for the elf to arrive on December 1st 😉
My son Carter would love this…
That’s such an adorable Elf doll and your kids are so cute!
My kids are age 8 and 2.7 and I think they would absolutely love an elf. I try make Xmas super magical and a little elf would really help!!!
My son would probably name him something like Jolly Jingles