Happy Halloween, Folks! The day has arrived…pretty much as quickly as 1st October did…or as quickly as this, my next pregnancy came, and probably just as quickly as this pregnancy is going. Halloween’s arrival tonight only just underlines the speed at which this year/pregnancy is flying at…and how easily we can be left in the dust if we’re not taking the time to intentionally live in the present. And more than that, enjoy it too.
And whilst I’ve reminded myself of this constantly…especially when the worries of how I’m trying to cope with my career and this pregnancy and all the rigours it puts my body through – this particularly pregnancy especially – loom heavy on me, that’s when I go dig extra deep in my overcompensation pockets, and intentionally focus in on things that I will being me joy. Like Halloween celebrations. Like fun Halloween Bucket Lists (that help remind you in the midst of a hectic life that there’s always space for some silliness and rekindling of childlike wonder.) And like Octobers in general.
And so I go ahead and plan a well co-ordinated family themed costumed, and get lost in decorating the whole damn house. Hang cute little ghost lights over my kids beds. Bake a batch of cutesy ghoulish cookies, and have Harry Potter nights. I do it because I love it. I do it because it brings me great joy. I do it because it brings my children joy, and makes for truly fun family memories and good times. And lifts my spirits up when the heavies of life weigh extra heavy. And I do it because it always brings me right back to the “Happy Now.”
And there was no doubt that this past Saturday’s trick-or-treating with Morgan-Lee’s bud and her family was definitely to be filed under one of those “Happy Now” moments. Simple and easy acts, but with huge rewards felt in yours bones, and heart…evidenced by children’s unstoppable urge to talk about it and relive the day over and over.
But before we get there, can I just share with you how happy finding these pumpkins made me? This photo was courtesy of Morgan-Lee, who after helping me set up our front stoop for October, and witnessing just how chuffed I was about it all, she exclaimed: “Wow, mom, I didnt know pumpkins made you that happy!Let me help you take a photo..”
And clearly I was not the only one who was happy about it…
But speaking of being happy and Happy Now’s, of course, family themed costumes always do the trick for me too…And after a few weeks of family debate on what we could all be (it’s getting harder and harder each year to convince my older kids), we finally settled on…
A skeleton Squad!….Please allow me to introduce you to the Bones’es…and we’re dead serious about having fun on Halloween!
These costumes of course did not bode well with 40’C weather we were having, and I was thinking of plan B’s through to Z’s to help us survive the trick-or-treating gauntlet through what felt like the sun itself. But my girls were committed to the skelly cause, and as such so did Mike, Coco and I have to be.
We also had baked some Halloween cookies for the day, but obviously preggo brain totally forgot it at home…

Preggo belly starting to creep in on all my shots
It must be noted that, this year’s trick-or-treating, or as I like to refer to it as Halloween ACT one, whilst I didn’t get to take too many pix – the preggo backpain, and scorching heat did kind of limit my abilities- I definitely took the time to take pcitures with my heart; Live in the moment with kids and friends, join in on the neighborhood’s collective silliness, and “coo” and “awwww” at all the super cute kiddies in their costumes.
The crowd was insane – compared to what we’re used to in our own neighborhood. But insane in a good way, even though as it was explained to us that the turn out wasn’t even half as what it normally is each year. No doubt the 40’C “spring” day had a lot to do with many preferring to take shelter indoors. But the candy was plenty, the smiles were huge and the energy was high…

Love that Elf lady..she looked so cute

There was lots of this…hanging in the shade.

Black Kitty came to chill with Pax while she fixed her ill-chosen footwear

Loved this scene…even though i could see how sometimes Morgy struggled to have to choose between hanging with her buddies, or having to slow down for her sissy and miss the fun with her buds..So often you’d see her head back to Pax, grab her by the hand and try and get her in on the action…Love this big girl of mine. She truly is the best big sister.
At least for the first 10 minutes.
The excitement was still real though, it was truly a great time for the kids…and everyone really bringing their A-game to the party!

This lil clown dude was by far the creepiest
Thereafter the heat took it’s toll. My kids were ready to call it as their red cheeks started to shine through their white make up. Parker even declared, “mom, I’ve got enough candy, lets just go home already!” And I was with her. My pregnancy reminded me that whilst I love being the fun mom, fun mom needed to shut up and sit the hell down. At least for a bit. Cause walking in this pregnancy is just not one of my can-do’s. Besides, with party-animal Morgy hunched over leaning onto her knees declaring, “let’s go home”, I knew it was done deal. And had sincerely hoped that we as the wet blankets of group that night were not going to ruin it for everyone else.
My kids also finally went with my initial suggestion to walk around with their costumes half off, swimsuits showing just to survive the sun. ( Because Im that mom, and know that my kids will eventually come around to some form of logic, and will be happy I made them put their swimsuits on underneath.)

Charity donations could be spotted in the back to the left there. Loved how they incorporated that.
And once we got back to our friends’ place, the kids all cooled off in the pool. This is a South African Halloween afterall!
We could all chill and catch up. Candy was shared. Although it seemed more as if Coco, Boss baby herself, knew what was up, and immediately cashed in on the others’ hard work.
Thereafter, hot baths were shared with ALL the little girls piling in at once. And just looking at this sweet scene of all these sweet little angels, as our friend helped wash all my girls’ hair, and did all the back work on my behalf, I couldn’t help but feel a sweet joy and blessing it is to be the mother of girls. And how many more sweet moments and days like this there will be in the future for us…with them and their darling little friends, that we love so much. And them with each other as sisters. It makes my heart swell and pound deeper with happiness.
Definitely a Happy Now moment, if ever. Twas a top celebration overall, indeed.
Grateful heart and sincere thanks to our lovely friends who made it so chilled out and fun with their lovely spirits and good energy.
And tonight, we get to do some more of that…but probably just way less walking. In fact, probably none, if my preggy back has anything to do with it. I think realistically speaking, as much of a big Halloween game that I talk, tonight will probably be far more chilled out…We’ll make sure our graveyard is set up in the front, put our Jack-o-lanterns out that we carved yesterday (it’s like a Bat-signal for all kids in need of candy). We’ll pull out all our treats…maybe knock off those last few Halloween Bucket list items – or not. Clink our ghoulish glasses and man the door for any midweek trick or treaters, while the tunes and creepy sound effects blast! It’ll be fun.
Either way, hope you have a top night yourself!
Happy All Hallows Eve, folks! Go out and make beautiful memories with your loved ones! X
You always make it so fun for your kids! And you guys looked amazing! It was a scorcher on Saturday hey? We have our Halloween party on Saturday (yes, I know, it’s after Halloween but yolo lol) and I can’t wait as it’s our first time dressing up and I am so super excited!
Thank you for sharing your ideas, the fun things you guys do and everything in between. You motivate me to do better with my kids and not be the wet blanket all the time 😀
Aww, Kim thank you. I’m glad I can positively encourage you in a direction you already wanted to go!
Just remember, it’s still you that wants to put the time with your kids, and makes the time, no one else… so you’re the one you should be tapping on the shoulder there ?
Also, as you know this is all things I’m passionate about and don’t equate with the quality of mothering, but i do believe in being present with ones kids. X
Your baby is adorable! As your other girls of course, but that last pic of her…too precious <3 As always, job well done mama.
Aww, thank you love! This year there was less work on my part, as I’m really learning to /forced to cut back, thanks to this pregnancy. X