So it’s no secret that we love travelling…Mike and I have both travelled before we met each other, and decided once married that we will have a big adventure at least once a year from then on – alternating between a foreign and African country each time. And once the kids came along – three years later- we wanted to continue living out those adventures. Essentially just adding them to our adventure team, as such.
Of course, reality struck and it did slow down just a wee bit when the kids actually came, in that we said that the birth of our kids was adventurous enough for us for that year. But after that, it was fair game, and it never did stop us from travelling WITH kids! And I’ve got to say, we have utterly enjoyed the experience! To the point where Mike has actually said that he’s never travelling without the kids every again!(Airlines kind of give you special treatment) 😉 Now, I wouldn’t necessarily say never ever again – as there are still a few romantic getaways I have in mind for us sans the kids – but I get what he means: There truly is so much joy in sharing these discoveries with your children, and watching their minds expand with each new exposure to the world and it’s different cultures. There’s a unique kind of life education that comes with travelling whatever your age, and I definitely want that for our kids.
And yet I know that for many parents out there, they get heart palpitations and anxiety sweats already just at the mere thought of travelling with kids and all that it entails. So I’ve teamed up with our new friends from TravelStart to help ease all your worries about this, and get you fully prepared for the adventure ahead…So that you can drop the stress and get back to enjoying the fun of travelling with your kids.
Besides, with the festive season around the corner, it’s almost that time of the year, where we all just want to break away. And with the great options available with Travelstart’s cheap flights , a great family vacay is totally doable.
Now, as a parent who has about 12 kids-in-tow international flights in total under her belt, which included flying with a one year old baby at one stage, as well as two year old and 4 year old at another point, and am now currently in the throes of planning another international flight with a 7, 4, and 1 year old, along with a baby who will only be a few months old at the time – I think I’m in a good position to tell you that you’ll be just fine, darling! If I, a regular mom can do it, so can you! That is, if you take the time to prepare! And with Travelstart’s help, you just can’t go wrong. So, whether it’s your first or tenth flight with kids, and you’re harbouring any fears about how that flight will go down, this one is for you!
To make it easy, Travelstart has put together some great tips in this fun infographic for your easy consumption, complete with everything you may need to get ready for that long flight ahead, and help cut those little stress-bugs out. Many of these tips are much like my sets of tips I’ve previously shared with you over here and here – great minds think alike. 😉 (You can check them out over here and here; They are full of details and practical tips!)
(Goodness knows that this will be our first time traveling with a baby under the age of one, so Im absolutely printing this sucker out in preparation for our trip!)
The only thing I would suggest that is slightly different to the above wrt to preparation and toilet times, is to ensure that your child (and yourself) remain very well hydrated before and during your flight – the last thing you want is a dehydrated kiddy on a flight. (it’s so easy for them to become dehydrated) And to then instead schedule bathroom stops right before boarding, and right before preparation for descent whilst flying. This has worked well for us always, without any surprise/ill-timed emergency stops.
Then, depending on the age of your children, consider baby/child wearing. You’re not always guaranteed a stroller at the airport during stopovers, and mostly, I’ve found that being hands-free with baby/child safely strapped to you is far easier in navigating busy airports. Also, little legs tire easily, and the chances of you having to pick them up and carry are pretty high. Having those carriers or baby wraps becomes an absolute boon in those situations.So, if you don’t already own one, do some research into finding the right carrier/wrap for you and your kid.
And another personal tip of mine is that once you’ve ticked the boxes on all your prep, try to sit back, relax and enjoy the flight. Kids will pick up on your energy, and will mirror it. So if you want them to chill out and relax, show them how! 😉 Also, don’t worry about what anyone else thinks of you on the flight. Be polite and courteous as we all should, but just remember, your only concern and priority is your kids.
Now, whilst Travelstart and I probably cannot guarantee that your little won’t have a little wobble along the way – because kids will be kids- what we do promise is that, if you take all our tips on board, you’ll feel far more prepared for any situation that might crop up along the way.
Mom and dad, you’ve got this!
Now, don’t forget to check out Travelstart’s cheap flights over here. and get cracking on those travel plans, folks!
Happy traveling! X