OK, fine…So, yes…we’re doing it! Round four and we’re finding out if it’s a girl or boy…I know we shared with you that it was still up in the air at the beginning of the week, but in a follow-up to my last post about this baba’s gender and where I was on it all, we decided we’re doing it…
I want to say the kids pressured us into it…but not really. I mean, they were the initial reason for us even thinking to ask the technician to write down the gender for us. But I think it was more that Mike cracked a bit – even though he totally denies that! 🙂 And then I kind of got swept up also in the excitement of it all. Seriously, our kids are SO contagious with the excitement!
And then even so, even with me being on board with it, and saying yes to it all again…you wouldn’t believe how much I almost chickened out of it…like seriously. Even I didn’t understand me – was it a yes or no, make up your mind crazy pregnant woman! 🙂 hahaha
But yeah, here we are…getting ready to do this thang all over again. TOMORROW! Yes, this Saturday! Not much time to prep, just doing it quick – like ripping off a band-aid. I invited only immediate family over – no frills, or fancy pants things… Just family getting together to join in the fun of finding out whether it’s girl or boy…’stache or sash…pink or blue…
(We invited them last week already, with the exit strategy that we could always just not do it, if we changed our minds.)
And for those of you thinking about last time’s drama…You know, the double drama of our last gender reveal? We had the sibling reaction drama AND then my SUPRISING (to me) own odd reactions to it all..Well, if you’re wondering how Im going to deal with either or both this time around…we’ve put some things in place. We’ve spoken to the kids a lot about this, and constantly making reference to their previous reactions and then pointing out the absolute love and enjoyment they have for their little sister right now. And what a stark contrast it all was and is now.
And based on how our conversations are going, I actually think they are in a good space to find out and be open to anything…. At least, I THINK so. As for me and my emotions – as micro as they were, they were still there, so- we also put some things in place for that…But more on that in another post!(Will share that soon enough)
Right now, I think we’re well set for a good day this Saturday sans any drama. At least, I hope so…Because, I’ve got to say, my girls are still hell bent about their opinion on the gender this time…They are SO certain that this is a BOY, that sometimes I do second guess my own opinion about them actually being ready for it, or even listening to my stories of being open to it all, or if they are just in their own lala land drowning me out (?) Either way, they’ve taken the time to assure me that if we do this, they will celebrate regardless if it’s a girl or boy….”We will love baby no matter what….But, mummy….it IS actually a boy!” hahha….Even the nanny has come to share with me of how my girls laugh at me not believing them that it’s a boy. (and you wondered why I was almost chickening out!) 😉
On then on a personal scale, I think I’ve managed to, or at least done my best to remain neutral, not tried to tap into anything to “figure” it out…And even though I had my suspicions, I’ve tried to just put it all away and really just be open to the 50/50 of it all. Mike too has had his suspicions, but if there has ever been someone who has genuinely been 100% neutral in his reactions to gender, it’s been him. He’s elated to the point of cant help but dance and smile ear to ear kind of happy whenever he found out the gender. However he has had his suspicions. So have I…but I’ve managed to keep myself pretty neutral, as I said before.
But yeah, that’s their vote…what’s yours?
Everyone seems to have a view on it. Like, some say my butt is big this time – but I assure them that it’s just because I never lost the weight from the two previous pregnancies in 2016. Some say my belly is different, and whilst it definitely feels different, I keep saying you cant base anything on that as this pregnancy happened so soon after the last one, that my body didn’t have a chance to recover. So of course things will feel AND look different. Others also comment that my severe exhaustion this time is because boys make you tired. But Im like guys, I’ve been through the laundry cycle of sick kids since JUNE! Without a hot minute of a break. I haven’t slept much in that time…and I’ve been pregnant since APRIL…SO DUH- Im going to be feeling kind of half-dead! ? So whilst I hear them all, and wanting to say this must be a BOY, cause it’s so different. Im trying to silence it all with logic. Not to say that they’re wrong, but really…So far I’ve not been convinced.
We have a history of making girls. However, given the circumstances under which this baby was conceived, it really is anyone’s guess. HOWEVER, I’m still going to ask my mom to cast her vote on the shape of my belly – she’s never been wrong about any of her grandkids!
So if it’s a girl – WONDERFUL! Our experience with girls has been amazing and magical. And we know this path so well. Our htree daughters provide so much joy and delight, we’d celebrate massively in being to able to add a fourth to the mix! Besides we have a crap load of great hands me downs to pass on. AND Lawd, have mercy – have you seen some of the local clothing goods on sale this season?! Im dying! I want it all, and had to really practice some serious restraint to not buy a lot of it until I actually know what the gender is.
And then, if it’s a boy, what an incredible surprise that would be! It would be all new and different, with a completely different dynamic to add to our home. Either way, this child is a blessing, a gift…a freakin SURPISE gift! And is loved already by us all. Im just hoping Yuriko-Mae will be able to deal…she has shown a bit of a jealousy streak that we’ve never had to deal with before. But that’s a story for another time.
So, in celebration of finally making the decision to go through with this, last night Mike and the girls started blowing up pink and blue balloons – Im going to try my hand at making a Balloon arch. And mostly, right now, we’re looking forward to seeing how the girls react to it all..and just having a fun and relaxed day with family…but really, I’m also just pretending to not be SUPER excited about finding out now!
ps. What’s your guess? X
YAAAAAAY!!!! I am so freaking excited for you!!!!
My guess is pink (I’m really hoping I’m wrong though) Can’t wait to find out and see your pics!
Hahaha! Pink or blue, itll still rock our world!
Let’s see which one!
I’m not good with these things. I believed all my kids were boys… Until Victoria was born lol
hahaha! I was spot on with all of them except Parker. I thought she was a boy. She’s full on girly…but just as wild and rough and dirty as one! 🙂
Again: AAAAAAAAACK! So excited for you guys!
hhaha…Thanks Luchae, I wasnt that keen on doing it this time, I really wanted to wait. BUt then I got caught up in the excitement of it all, and just went with it – who am I to deny myself or anyone else (my girls) when excitement beckons us so loudly! 🙂
Eek!! This is so exciting. Am gong to be glued to my IG feed tomorrow 🙂
hahah! Thank you Josie for remaining a part of our journey and excitement! You were there for the first gender reveal we ever did, and I will forever be grateful for the role you played in capturing those memories.X