Things have been quite crazy on the homefront of late (and so say all of us, parents). Some days it’s quite soul stretching, as things normally can get whenever there is a newborn in your home. Nevermind three kids, a marriage to tend to, a job you need to return to that weighs more on my mind that Id care to admit to, and just life itself coming in it’s waves. It gets a lot. At times it can get hard. Rough even. And being human means we are so susceptible to getting dragged down in it’s undertow. If we let it.
It’s often then, that at that exact time – when I feel I’m near gagging levels of rough tides that push and pull me under, me desperate to just shrug it all off, and just escape to gasp some air – I turn to things that I can control. Things that I can create. Things that bring me joy and remind me of what it’s like to get lost in the process of creativity and fun – little passions. For I know that the weights I bear, that often get overwhelmingly heavy, are my reality. And shrugging them off is not an option. But, these little passions? They totally are an option! Even if it’s small things that I do. Small things like Halloween costumes and little traditions that we introduced along the years into our family. Little things that I will always choose gladly. Even when sleep is already a stranger, and these passions require the last shreds of me, I will give it gladly.
For, as haggard and blurry eyed as I stood there, post all the halloweenish fun that was had, my soul felt satisfied, and something that was so very thirsty in me, felt tended to. Our children had a great time, and still speak of it as some insanely happy day. And THAT, that right there, for me, is the golden ticket. Even as groggy as I was nursing my little baby at 3 in the morning, I couldnt help but smile thinking of our Halloween that was.
…In a galaxy, far, far away, was a family who really enjoyed the 31 October…
For those who were asking and wondering who we were going as this year…Hello, Star Wars!

The real love story mindfudge: Yoda is Princess Leia’s and a storm trooper’s love child!!Dun-dun-dunnnn
Although, for the real sticklers fans out there, please excuse the poetic license we indulged in with our costumes. There is only so much a this mama of three, who’s being held captive by her newborn can do. So yes, Storm trooper has a a light sabre, because Parker was nearing critical mass upset levels about not having a light saber like her sister Vader, and I know when to pick my battles. Speaking of sabres, yes Vader’s sabre is not red as it should be, but there were no red ones, and I was too tired to hunt for one. And yes, Mike’s storm trooper helmut is from the clone wars period, and his suit is not. But whatever. It was clear who w were, and the kids loved it.
Also, just to keep it real, here’s the reality shot:
Mike wanted a Ramons posed pic, while Yuriko-Mae wanted to feed. ‘Cause even Yoda needs a snack right smack bang in the middle of a battle photo shoot.
This year, we joined our friends, the Lok family, over in their neighbourhood, as ours seemed to be dead quiet all week, and we couldn’t have been happier. (Also, since last year’s Halloween fookup, I no longer trust our neighbourhood’s timing) 🙂
But before I dive into the main event, we had fun decorating our pumpkins. I skipped carving this year – as much as I love it- ’cause there’s only so much I can realistically and safely do with a baby on my arm. We also, as you may have noted, skipped the pumpkin party this year. But there are only SO many parties this mama can do in a month. I mean, the girls are still holding me to our bi-annual Camping party that was promised to them in June already, as part of the pre-baby fun Winter Bucket list(number 9). And we already had our Halloween shindig. So chilled out decorating was good enough for us.
But, back to Halloween night: We were of course late for the Loks. Mike got stuck in traffic, while I, by 515pm, was still feeding baby, calling out instructions to the other two as to how to get their own costumes on, and hoping for best. It didnt help either that madam Koko also decided as per Murphy’s Law that she would give us that ACE sleep we’ve been begging her to have:

Of course she would sleep like a log right before we had to leave. And she NEVER sleeps like that off the arm. Never.
I however, had to still sort out my Princess Leia buns – which I did in record time. Although, that would explain why I looked like I actually went into battle with Jubba, when really I just went around the corner trick or treating.
But we made it there none the less.
Its obvious that Halloween is really picking up in SA, and I couldn’t be happier. There was even a huge Halloween party at one of the homes we went trick or treating at, and I was probably more excited that I should be that someone else went more balls to the wall with décor than I did. (so excited I didn’t any decent pix)
The girls at first forgot to call out trick or treat, instead just offering up some polite thanks, but eventually got into it.
In fact, by the third house we were wondering what was taking them so long. But turns out Pax had made a connection with the mom and little girl handing out the candy. And you know how at the end of the night, the candy trading starts? Well it seems that Pax has found a way to streamline it by trading right at the source! This girl, at four years of age, negotiated her way through the candy wares right at the door, so that come the end of the night, no trading was necessary. My girl!
It was a good one. How could it not be, with this little Yoda 🙂
Sidenote: she had actually out grown the costume I started on a month ago – which I only discovered on the day. Thank you growth spurts.
Afterwards, we had a lovely chilled out night with the Loks over some wine, pizza and Timtams. Our girls got along so awesomely with their boys, and we left their home later than planned – always a sign of us being with good company.
Needless to say, the sugar rush was real (as in, real annoying at 11pm). But it was a night filled with fun childhood memories, that is now neatly tucked away and ready for future pondering.Our girls loved their costumes and are already planning next year’s one. We spent it with a fun and lovely family- the Loks – and yeah, sure Koko totaly poonami’ed all over me, but I’m calling it a win. Top night.
That golden ticket, I was refering to above. Yes, the process of creation is what my mind itches for and provides immense satisfaction for me in doing what I love, but it’s how our children gleen happiness from these efforts that makes it so golden to me. And makes for sweet memories to sustain when the bitter tides come along. And hopefully teaching our littles too, as to how to make your own happiness in this life. Especially when it doesnt take much. Just a little stroll around the block, collecting candy. Squeezing all the good sweet fun this holiday quarter we can find.
Better pucker-up, Mistle Toe time is coming soon!
Not too soon though. Yes, its November.(and yes, I KNOW this post has become too long now, but…) Normally i’d be plotting the Christmas tree themes and receiving texts from my sis with more inspo as she sends me pix of her latest xmas décor crafts and tree designs. My girls have come to know this all too well. In fact, I had to slow their role the other day as I started carting back boxes of Halloween goods to storage, and Parker was hauling out the xmas lights, and décor – because that’s usually how it goes. But right now, I need a bit of a flatline in the doing stakes. Which may sound shocking in the face of this whole post, but I go back to work in less than two weeks time. And I would be lying if I said I didn’t need some absolutely quiet and dedicated me time. Which is not necessarily spa time or hotel getaways. But just mentally to focus on what is going on in this little head of mine and do a little spring cleaning up there.
Mothering a new life has a way of shaking things up a bit in there. It’ll be good for me. And my family.
Also, I did promise myself, nothing of the sorts till I at least share all the sweetness of Parker-Grace’s recent fourth birthday party. Although, who am I kidding, I give myself two days into the whole me-time before christmas planning takes over my life. Three days tops! And happily so. Because that IS me.
Love this theme so much! (Maybe I can convince Matthew to have a Star wars theme for his next birthday….) You guys looked amazeballs and your day looked like so much fun! (I seriously need to ‘mom date’ you lokl) On a slightly serious note, good luck with the prep for going back to work. Harper is only 6 weeks old and I’m already dreading going back ? Looking forward to seeing your Christmas crafts and decor ?
Thanks!! You totally should . It’s relatively easy and costumes are also easy to find. ANd yes, I’ve been dreading work for so long now,it’s ridiculous. I need to check my attitude. As for Xmas crafts. Don’t start me up??