Our lounge may still look like the wrapping paper wasteland it was from christmas morning. With bits of ribbon tripping up someone at any given time…(Ok, ok, no, I actually cleaned that up yesterday – took every ounce of my strength to get into it, but I did). But fairy lights now swing low over our forehead in the gallery, as the staples and tape that once held them in place have loosened their sticky grip. And to be honest there’s bits of christmas still strewn all over our home. I mean, our tree doesnt go down until the 5th of January in any case, and honestly, we’ve learnt to just kind of leave certain lights up all year in the house anyway – sure made this year’s lights-on process a helluva lot easier. But the truth is, we dont want it to end.
And by “we”,I just mean the girls and I. Which is kind of cool, because up until last year, it was mostly just Morgy and myself holding onto it. But this year,about three days ago, without any prodding, Parker-Grace asked me (just like she has asked me so many days in the lead up to this christmas), “mom, is it christmas?!“…But this time I had to answer with a “not anymore, my girl“. To which she responded by plonking her whole body down into the bed, scowling and pouting with a “but I dont want it to end!!”…and ahh, I know that feeling, sweetheart.
It all ends so soon, doesn’t it? But, as I reassured her, there’s still more and very different things to look forward to. Lots of exciting times lay ahead for us… I can feel it in my bones! But in the mean time, reflecting on the wonderous season of magic and possibility that comes with Christmas is what keeps me going…As in, clicking through this year’s folder of pix is what I’ve been doing for the past two days. And thought I’d share it with you too…
Christmas Eve….(Because part of the magic is in the build-up, right?!)
I handed my girls their Christmas Eve box that morning, and there was no doubt great excitement in it’s opening…
And, I’m not sure, but something tells me they LOVED it! 🙂
We eventually got around to assembling our gingerbread house…that I baked about 3 weeks prior!!
I added stain glass windows this year and some lights…but the actual consumption of the candy was still the highlight for these two…
This year, given the fact that energies were low, we decided to skip our visit to Santa and his toyshop. Thanks to #Iceadventure we at least had some form of our Santa Clause snaps taken for the year.Not the same, but it will do!
In our family, other than the tradition of the Christmas tree star going up ONLY on christmas eve, it’s usually the Dad of the house that does it. (I’ve taken so many photos of my own dad doing it in our family home back then, and then Mike in our own home) But this year, Pax put in a request to do it herself this year, which we all thought was pretty sweet. So for weeks and weeks she’s been excited about this, and finally the time came…
And she was pretty proud of her duty being fulfilled…
Eentually it was reindeer food in the driveway…But holy moses, did that South Easter damn near blow us away…
Also, please note, carrots were added to the reindeer menu this year….Why?
Well, because of this amazing book!
If there is only one Christmas book you ever get, let it be this. In fact, to every Christmas freak out there, you need to get your hands on this book – which lists exactly what reindeer like to eat, along with all their other stats. Whilst this, the second edition is not as magical as the first edition, which is 100% pop-up, with all the props you could ever think of, it’s still ecapsulating. All the answers you’ve ever wanted to know about how St. Nick does it all in just one night…and more. Get it!
Christmas morning…
The best morning of the year, in the history of all mornings will forever be this one…
Morgy had already snuck down to do some recon work on who’s stocking is the fullest, and yes, St. Nick has indeed been there – “He didnt all the cookies though, mom!”
There is no better mess than the mess in the lounge on Christmas morning…70% of it is out of frame here.
Then it was lunch at my brothers…
Along with our freshest family member…
Musical interludes by the kids, along with the new addition of a harmonica….Ahhh, what I wouldnt give to hear what my Dad would have said to hear them all play…All these kids have some seriously natural talent.
And just general laid-backness was the order of the day, a long table filled with great food from everyone, along with an array of desserts. By the way, I made an incredible Oreo Dessert. I made it all up,but was super pleased with it’s result. I have no pix of it, but will share the recipe soon. Everyone just enjoyed each other, and the kids played all day…
My brother shared some of his treasures that he brought back from Mauritius recently…
Another round of prezzies..
And some star gazing to end the night off…
Well, in truth, it didnt end there actually, and we were there till well after 10pm. But it was a good night…It always is.
And, at the threshold of the new year, there’s great slice of joy I take in thinking that we have another year of doing all of it over again with people that we love, along with new adventures and perspectives that come with it all.
Enjoy the last few days of the year, folks. Even if 2016 felt like a total grade one A-hole to you, go out with a bang, make these last few days count and soak it up!
Merry Christmas from Team Porter, and wishing you a bright 2017! X
Here’s to an awesome 2017 to you and yours!
Thanks Faith! May it be awesome for us all, yes!
A whole melting pot of love to you and fam. I enjoyed the read!
Ah, thanks so much Anthea! Everything of the best for you and yours in 2017.Xxxx
Thank you for sharing your Christmas day. I smiled throughout and I love how you captured your girls’ excitement. The best part of Christmas are the children’s reactions and wonder! May the new year only bring happiness and joy to your family. ? Much love ???
And thank you for popping in! 🙂
Yes, absolutely- the kiddies’ wonder and reactions are the real gems and gifts of the day!
Thank you for the lovely wishes! And same to you, may all your plans and desires come to fruition. ???