Yes, I know, wasn’t it just the other day I did my first life right now post? This is supposed to be a regular feature, but not this regular. But you know, life right now has been slightly kicking my ass. And whilst I’d like to think that I’m getting in a few good ones myself, guys, I’m not going to lie: It’s been rough.
It’s like Murphy had a party and was handing out a two for one special on all the crap luck he had in stock.
Im talking about co-ordinating time off from work to get car to mechanic, to the insurance and their stupid dance of avoidance that now won’t cover the repair costs. To courtesy cars overheating in the thickest gosh-darn traffic.and then getting caught in the mayhem of protest action with said overheated car.
Or how about our garden tap being vandalized, where on my inspection it actually burst right off and I got a faceful, earful and mouthful of litres of power water. Remember that drama? And how could I forget, my car then breaking down amidst the recent cape town storm, with me being unable to contact my emergency road side services (that I pay for). Eventually had to abandon my car and walk out of town close to the N1, to meet hubby who was stuck in the chaotic traffic of the mass exodus.
The list went on folks, but I wont bore you with it. In fact, I’ll bore myself even just thinking of it. Because whilst there’s nothing wrong with venting and having a defiant laugh over it with your friend, because, “of course, it would happen to me”.(Miss you, my friend!) It can become a bummer if you marinate in it. So how did I manage to get through this sucker punch of a month? I strapped on my silver lining goggles of course. They needed a good wipe down too, ‘cause – damn- with my current lacking of sleep, it’s so easy for my spirit to be ground down.
But through these goggles I saw the gushing tap through my kids’ eyes: an opportunity to have fun. We splashed in it, collected water in buckets for the garden, and then called it a good enough day by slipping into warm clothes and chilling on the couch under blankets until Mikey came home to fix it.
As for the broke down car incident? That just highlighted a few other unnoticed bits that needed some replacing, and thanks to that I now have a safer car in which I taxi my kids in. That’s precious cargo right there, folks. So, whilst the inconvenience sucked, I’m actually glad the universe nudged me towards getting things fixed.
Also I may have been stranded amidst a storm, but I know I am blessed to have a hubby who didn’t even hesitate coming to fetch me – even though he just started a new job. And yes, we were stuck in traumatic traffic, but it was just the two of us, meaning we could have all the chats without being interrupted by small little voices belonging to our small little people. Normal conversation for the win!
But, goggles or not, I also knew I was nearing my snapping point in general. So what do you do when you look to all angles in life, but it’s clear there’s no other option but a timeout? You call up grandma and beg her to take the kids, of course. We don’t get to do this often- maybe only like once or twice a year. But I honestly wish we had the option to do it more often, because what a good day of rest it was! Went out for an unrushed bite, went back home to chill under the covers, watch some comedy – all without having to do our usual jack-in-the-box up& down routine of refreshing bottles and juice cups, wiping bums, cleaning up spills, etc. And the best part? We only woke up at 11:15am the next morning. Yes, 11:15am – when last?! Sleep, glorious sleep – a golden prize for any parent!
My body needed it so, as I could literally feel the toll it was taking on body and mind, and my ability to see the brighter side of life. So tired, in fact, this blog also suffered a bit this past month. My thoughts were all muddled and just didn’t come out as I wanted. And to tell you the truth, I’m running behind on so many crafting posts I wanted to share with you – all the fairy stuff we were busy with, the soaps we’ve made, our new non-toxic slime recipe – just so many things I haven’t yet had the chance or mental sharpness to turn it into a cute post for you. So they sit there in drafts, as jumbled thoughts. But sooon. Soooooon, my pretties, they shall see the light of day. Besides, I’ve got loads more “natural” crafts lined up, so I’ll need to make space soonest!
Indian Summer
We’re in the thick of autumn- the portrait worthy colour of leaves, not to mention those little nippy mornings, and frigid nights are there quietly reminding us. But in between it all, we are still being rottenly spoilt with glorious sunshiny days. Sometimes even sweltering ones – which we grab with both hands…and then, according to my girls, we apparently shed our clothes too.
And I’m lapping it all up – the summer, not the nudity. Doing all the crafts and activities that are best done outside. I just wish we were heading out to the park everyday like we used to. Traffic right now has really been screwing me over on this one. However, with the earlier appearance of the stars, signalling the inevitable shift in available carpe-diem-light, I’m doing my all to keep it up.
Also, with the sun still teasing us with this indian summer, I’ve been really slow to roll out all the autumn feels around our house. I did however, manage to ceremoniously dig out the warmer blankets and whip out my favourite pumpkin spice candle I was gifted with by my sister’s US friend many moons ago.
And it’s good timing too, as I had recently come home to this….
My faithful oil burner smashed. Inside, I cried a little when I saw this – it was a gift from my sister when she flew down right after we got married and moved into our first home. I’ve been using it ever since – especially on days I need a pick me up, or if we have guests over. (It uses these little wax melts that seem to last forever!) But the little hands that broke it were far too precious for me to engage in castigation. So I kept the little death inside to myself, and made peace with the fact I need a new one. (Suggestions for oil burners, anyone? I usually buy at The Body Shop, but do you have a favourite?)
Morgan-Lee’s 5th birthday party- good golly gosh, FIVE years already!! I cant believe we’re there already. ( I also can’t believe I just used “golly gosh”.) It feels like only, what, last week(?) that I had fired my gynae two week before I actually gave birth and went on a faith-led journey to fight for my rights to have the birth I felt my baby needed a chance at.
And here we are, almost five years in and where she’s actually very actively part of the planning of her own party. We’re very much about taking the lead from our children w.r.t their own parties, because the way we see it, this is about them and not about us at all. We’ve had our parties already, you know? We’re also pretty budget-conscious in our party planning, so it’s also not about how fancy we can get at a party, but about putting things in place that I know my kids and their little buddies are going to be absolutely gaga over! (Seriously, I like nothing more than when I hear a kid begging to not leave the party just yet.)I think, for us at least, it’s normally only the first year that we choose a theme of our own choice, and the rest is about what they’re into, or what captures their wonder the most at the time. And even then, having said that about the first birthday theme, I was still pretty much trying to make it about them.
I know not everyone thinks like that, and there’s nothing wrong with that either -each to their own. But I think I like the challenge of a child’s imagination imagination. I mean, last year she asked me for a Captain American Anna cake…WTF, was my first thought. Second thought was, game on! And momma delivered! Princess Anna clad in a Cap suit, surrounded by a whole lot of other Marvel superheros on the cake table. As for this year? This year, we’re all about:
That’s right, we’re getting all Toothless and Hiccup-py up in this joint here, as Morgy is set on a How to train your dragons theme. And I’ve got to say, I’m getting pretty psyched! (Gahd! Why am I such a sucker for this stuff?!) But Im still not sure when we’ll have the actual party, or if it’ll even be the regular guest list of 26 kids…or perhaps something more intimate this year. Because you see:
We’ve also been planning to visit my sister and family this year in the States and since she’s only a hop skip and jump away from Kissimee/Orlando, we figured that we might as well celebrate Morgy’s 5th in Disney World as well.
My gorgeous niece said she’d gladly fly in to meet us there – and she could for the first time, meet these two “new” cousins of her’s. That’s right. My sister and her girls have yet to meet my children. Can you believe it?!
So, yeah, I think it’s about high time that we remedy that. Besides, life is so short, nothing is promised to anyone. My life, my health or my ability to travel could disappear in the blink of an eye…Mine, Mike’s, my sister’s, my mom’s, any one of our futures are not promised. So whilst, on the surface, this may not make the most financial sense right now, there’s a lot more to it.
Also, it’s been a terribly long time since I have travelled. And whilst I can understand that not everyone is like this, I, personally, start to feel caged in, suppressed, if you will, when I don’t travel…My heart beats noticeably faster at the prospect of travel, and stings even harder at the thought that current and future circumstances may act as barriers to it….And mostly, I almost feel like I’m running out of time. I can’t explain that part. But it is what it is.
I know Mike struggles a bit with this, as he’s not like this about travel at all. (Like, at all, even though he had to travel quite a bit for his previous job.) He more wants to invest in the home, and do some much needed reno. But I’m more like, the house is going nowhere..but life? Life and all its tomorrows are not promised. And honestly, as previously stated, is just far too short to not follow your heart. So yeah, I get why he struggles a bit with this, but he fortunately also understands the strong need for me to see my sister and family again.
I think we’ll find our compromise somewhere. We always do. I mean, how else do you think we’ve managed the last three travel-less years and still remain happy? : )
So yeah, we’ve been in and out of Home Affairs – a topic I’m not sure I’ll ever blog about, but know that it can be quite an adventure in and of itself. Not sure what the hell happened to the previous system they had going in 2012, which was by far the most efficient they’ve ever been. I used to be in and out there doing multiple applications for different things on multiple occasions, in like 30 minutes-tops! (including queueing) . But now? Not sure why they changed it, but it’s not working. Perhaps they thought we all needed some timeout from life and just sit quietly in queues for hours…contemplating life. But hey, we’re done with that ordeal and onto the next step…
By the way, pardon me for this random interlude…but damn, if you’re a white wine fan, you need to get yourself some Delheim Gewurztraminer! I’m actually blogging with it right here by my side. Look, to be honest nothing beats Simsonsig in the Gewrutzruminer stakes – like nothing at all! But this one? This one is a close second, with it’s fruity litchi and citrus undertones. It’s fantastic with sushi, and paired not too badly with my honey and mustard chicken dish the other night.
So if you were looking for some wines to add to your shopping list this weekend, why not grab a bottle of this. And a Simonsig gerwurtzy & Arendsig Chardonnay Blok while you’re at it! Ps. The Simonsig one’s are a little hard to find, so if you do find it, do yourself a favour and plan on grabbing a few!
Also, speaking of planning, I may just finally get around to finishing off Morgan-Lee’s room. It’s been four years in this home and I haven’t gone much further than it is right now. So I feel a bit frustrated and like if I don’t do something soon, and keep bottling up this dire creative need of mine, then a creative storm is about to be unleashed upon this sucker-fool of a room…which could possibly be pretty cool, buuuut probably not so cool for my wallet at all. Which, when you’re planning to spend in dollars soon, it becomes a really NOT a good idea at all.
Fortunately, I’m generally a thrifty kind of shopper, and the things I had planned are very much simple and generic enough to either find cheaply or be handmade. So perhaps to keep that creative storm at bay, I’ll commit myself to doing it bit by bit. Thereafter I’ll attack the guest room, or as the girl’s call it, “The Granny Room”.
Some jewels from the mouths of babes recently:
I actually cannot remember them all – mombie brain and all. (Don’t you just wish you had a camera running on them all day to record these gems?) Plus, this has turned into a really long post, so instead, here are just few bites along with some pics of our life right now…
There are times when our children suprise us with how much they are just like us. And I’m not talking about phrases or words they copied from us, but actual character mirroring. Sometimes it jolting, other times, it’s heartwarming. One such recent time was when I was fixing Morgan-Lee some hot chocolate, and as she sniffed it, she turned to me and said, “Mom, can’t we have Christmas again?! Pleasssssssse?!“. I giggled and agreed with her – I wish it too, baby! And I giggle because I felt the exact same way. Ma se kind.
Then there’s Parker-Grace,who’s latest expression of suprise, or of pain if she bumps herself, is “Oh my coconuts!” In that smalllittle voice of her’s. *melt* Now, I have a sadistic need for her to bump herself, just to hear it again. #twisted
And then last but not least, while paking my cupboard, Parker calls me and hands her latest gem:
“Hey mom! There’s a baby in your tummy“.
Ummm, last time I checked, “now” was not part of our baby plan. Besides, I literally knew from day two that I was preggers with BOTH pregnancies so far. So I’m pretty sure, I’d be the first to know, kid.
Then again, my little nephew was the one who delivered similar news to my sis in law before even she knew what’s up…
“Life right now” posts give me poetic license to just ramble. There’s no particular theme to it all. There’s no dramatic crescendo – so sorry to leave you hanging if that’s what you came here looking for. It’s more a bit like being on the couch with me, with feet folded under our bums, one hand animatedly gesturing and echoing my words, whilst the other hand caressing a wine glass, or mug of coffee (depending on how tired I am) – and the mind just flows forth with mutterings of…well, our life right now. Our highs, lows, laughs and ponderings. Hope you stay a while for them…I promise I make a great cuppa, or will only serve the best wine. So pull in and get comfy!
I do hope Mr Murphy moves on now!
Yeah, totally. He got far too comfy here in my spot. 🙂
Your girls are so lovely!
Aww, thank you hun. I totally agree in a totally non-biased way, that is absolutely biased! :0)
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