“Life right now” posts give me poetic license to just ramble. There’s no particular theme to it all. There’s no dramatic crescendo – so sorry to leave you hanging if that’s what you came here looking for. It’s more a bit like being on the couch with me, with feet folded under our bums, one hand animatedly gesturing and echoing my words, whilst the other hand caressing a wine glass, or mug of coffee (depending on how tired I am) – and the mind just flows forth with mutterings of…well, our life right now. Our highs, lows, laughs and ponderings. Hope you stay a while for them…I promise I make a great cuppa, or will only serve the best wine. So pull in and get comfy!
I don’t know about you, but I’m in a complete and utter time warp right now. All that Easter-ing has wrecked me. I write this not knowing what day it actually is. In fact, I just posted an Instagram, backspacing and retyping “Sundaze” Lord knows how many times, because I couldn’t figure out where in the weekend we were. It’s like Easter, in my head, should be on a Continue reading