The Pepperclub is situated in Loop Street, Cape Town CBD, so first up: parking…Everyone knows that parking in town is a bit of a nightmare, but when you’re dealing with a hotel, parking becomes a breeze AND secure, not to mention easy access. And then as if parking convenience wasn’t already a win, from the moment you enter Sinatra’s, you feel pretty much like you’re on track for a night of indulgence. And, trust me, we were really in need for some fancy-schmancy in our life that night, so it was just perfect. Stylish décor, with several striking portraits of Ol’ Blue eyes himself, only adding to the modern classiness.

Because my camera wasnt playing nicely with the lighting that night, here is a shot straight from The Pepperclub Hotel’s website. Pretty, aint it?
Speaking of which The Paparazzi Bar, just adjacent to the restaurant, is every bit eyecatching with it’s glamourous and modern touches, making it an easy place to gravitiate to. We arrived about 15 minutes early – a pretty much never to be repeated kind of event in the lives of the Porters- so we decided to warm up at the bar with some drinky-drinks of course.
I enjoyed a out of the ordinary cocktail, although the Grey Goose was psssst’ing me quite loudly. Mike went with a classic beer, as his first and final drink of the night. Mr. Responsible, that I so love. Not sure why he didn’t make me designated driver though, as it was his night for spoilage. I was taking him out for Father’s day (yes, it was THAT long ago -*embarrassed face*). So whilst we spent a wonderful day with girls, letting them spoil him with their love and attention, jumping up and down on him, being their human jungle gym, the night was reserved for us. For I believe that part of being a good parent is investing in each other as a couple. So date night, it was!
Anyhoo, soon after our drinks arrived, we were ushered by the wonderfully friendly staff, and got things kicked off with the bread basket. And as much as I tried to resist it, their bread was so damn good! Honestly, it would’ve really been just sad to pass up on it.
Now, before I get in to the deets about our meal, I want to let you in on a secret…A secret thats actually not SO secret. In fact, Sinatra’s has been around for quite some time already, but few people know about their private cinema. Ive refered to it before as great a Valentines day option over here, actually. But whats so cool about them is that it is available on it’s own to be hired out, however, if you order two course meal, you automatically qualify for a free movie at the Odeon Private cinema, along with free popcorn.
I don’t know about you, but dinner and a movie is such a classic date night vibe to it, and that’s a whole lot of free right there, and Im loving it!
Mike went for Venison carpaccio starter and actually got excited while chowing down. Since we I was plotting for some dessert, I decided to ensure there was space for such important things in life and decided to skip the starters and dived straight into mains – and what divine mains they were! Oh.Em.Gee. I am still drooling over my meal, guys.
Mike went with the Chef’s Choice Cut, and was of the opinion that it was “bloody fantastic”. “Melt in your mouth kind of stuff”, he still says. Now if I hadn’t ordered a red meat dish myself(I had the Beef Fillet Medalions), I probably would have thought he could have been exaggerating maybe a little. But people, let me tell me you this…one bite actually quite literally made me stop in my tracks…Seriously. Mike’s voice faded into the background, as my brain was trying to decipher what kind of delicious trickery this was?! How can steak taste this good? Not only was it truly melting in my mouth, but the flavours were simply incredible. Seriously, I couldn’t think about anything other than just how happy this was making me with every single bite. Pretty much orgasmic, if I really think about it. And that’s saying something. Every little morsel that was oh so prettily presented on my plate, was bursting with divine flavour. I mean even the carrots, people. Carrots. Huh? When last have you gone, “OMG that carrot was delicious”?! Im not even kidding. You’ll just have to go try it yourself to believe me. Then thank me. 🙂
Now usually Mike and I always lovingly share and taste in our dishes, however this time Ive got to admit that I did it rather begrudgingly, and almost pulled back my fork at the last minute. But at least I shared, which is more than I could say for him. He seemed to enjoy his so much, he totally forgot share anything. Still a little bummed by that, but it was his father’s day night out so, to the father goes the spoils, I suppose. 🙂
Then came dessert. For me alone – Mike’s not much of a sweet tooth, and thus, he just finished off with a coffee. I went with the cheesecake. Now, I probably should have checked with them before, but only when it arrived, did I realise it wasn’t baked, and immediately started regretting not going with the waiter’s malva pudding recommendation. But I soldiered on. However, I have to be honest, after such an incredible mains, I was expecting a little more from the dessert. I therefore resigned myself to the fact that next time I will take my time with the dessert menu to make bette choices, because there certainly will be next time at Sinatra’s for us. That steak was just too damn good to have it only once.
The service itself was overall very friendly and professional,and had a very laid back feel to it, with a “nothing’s too difficult” attitude from all the staff.
Once we paid for dinner, they ushered us into the Odeon Private cinema, where it was just the two of us. #naughtygrin I could even take my wine with me. #evennaughtiergrin Once we were all settled with our movie choice, they brought us our complimentary popcorn and we could order any drinks as well – which they then bring straight to you. Yay to no queueing at a kiosk and missing the begining of the movie!
Just keep in mind that the cinema does work on a first come, first choice of movie basis. So if you had a specific movie in mind, its best to book in advance with them when making dinner reservations. Also note that you’re not exactly going to catch the latest blockbusters here either. You’re looking at more like last year’s releases and beyond.
So if you’re just looking for the private cinema experience, which is kinda pretty cool, whether that’s for you and a loved one or you and a bunch of your buds (seat 28 people) , then the Odeon Cinema is for you.

I know, i know, right…enough with the pix of yourself already…These times are petty rare,so they need to go in the history books.
Ps.Pepperclub Hotel & Spa has also recenty introduced Cinema Club as part of First Thursday entertainment. Go check them out over here to see what its all about!.
What you need to know:
- Tel: 021 812 8826
- Address:Cnr Loop and Pepper Street,Cape Town 8001
- Website:
- Trading hours: Breakfast: 06h30 – 10h30,Lunch: 12h00 – 15h00, Dinner: 18h00 – 22h00
All in all, we had a fun and superb time that definitely gets all four of our thumbs up for date night ideas, ranking high in almost every aspect.