So I have nothing against chocolate. In fact, Ive got nothing but lurrrv for chocolate. However, I am against the sugar frenzy that face our kids everyday, in this very commercial world we live in. Yes, my kids do get to indulge in treats now and again – Im no sugar-nazi. It is part of the world, so no ducking it. But when I do get a chance to eliminate/reduce it, I grab at that chance. Like say, at Easter…Yes, at Easter!Just hear me out…
Sooo, at Easter for us as kids, we used to get the stock standard choc bunnies and hens, etc. But there was never an Easter hunt, and certainly no gorgeously embellished Easter basket for us. Yip,I led a pretty sheltered life, I know. 🙂 But that stuff wasn’t important, right?!
They were FUN,though! So now that we have kids of our own, we get to sometimes spoil them a little with the unnecessary fun bits like Easter hunts and Easter baskets. Nothing overboard in terms of superficial stuff, but with more focus on the fun. What goes into those baskets is another thing though.
So what does goes into these baskets exactly? Well, there are no set rules, per say; Anything easterish goes. What we have in the past popped in, are things like:
-Easter bunny ears
-Little Easter Bunny stuff toys
-Little trinkets
-And snacks
-And, yes…Chocolates!
The thing is, at the end of the day,like last year, they received plenty of chocolates from everyone. And it pretty much tied mommy and daddy over for a good month or two. It was seriously too much chocolate, even for us, let alone the kiddums.
So this year I’ve decided to add a healthier alternative to the Easter basket in the form of bunny-shaped crackers! Now, (and I get it) the thought alone may not inspire much in you, if you think: Easter. Chocolate. Crackers?!
But when you add the cute and festive shape, and maybe throw in a yummy hummus dip or the like; All of a sudden you may just have a very intriguing little toddler snack that has an Easter twist to it! I promise,the novelty of it all, and how you package and deliver it all helps!
I found an easy recipe over at Stephie Cooks. Her’s seemed the easiest and quickest. Music to most mom’s ears,right? Besides, she writes really charmingly – enough to make me want to try it! I just made a few adjustments of my own, to suit my needs.
And have dutifully put it all together for you to enjoy….and maybe not make all the mistakes I made 🙂 :
So firstly, it really is very quick. Its easy to mix. Its easy to roll. And not much kneading in between is required. I mean,I love baking and cooking and all, but do not have patience for anything that requires…well, patience. So this recipe was a win in my book.
Now, go check out that recipe, but in the mean time, here are my very tactical and valuable tips to any parent attempting this:
-Firstly, make sure you actually use 1/2 cup of water…and not a full cup…Like I did. Measurements are kinda like important and stuff.
-Do not try to persevere with the floury goo, and think you can correct it by adding random amounts of flour, thinking “you’ll feel this one out.” You are, in fact, not Jamie.
-Do not realise in the middle of your doughy mess that you’re actually just really tired, and need some coffee. Hence the small but terrible mistake in measurement. Instead have the coffee well before. Maybe even get some proper sleep in the night before… Oh wait, you’re probably a parent, right? Sorry. Scratch that sleep idea.
-Do not stare at the fruitless and wasteful expenditure of time and money that now lies in the bowl, in liquidy dough format. Embrace the Elsa in you, and let it go.
-Start from scratch. Double check your measurements.
-When dividing your dough, as per recipe, use the scientific approach I did to ensure equal parts. It works.
And the rest really is easy peasy, and fool-proof enough for not even a sleep deprived mom like me to balls it up. 🙂
The only part of this recipe that would make that you take longer than 15 min (aside from maybe starting over again) would maybe be the cutting of bunny shapes into it, which is my twist to it. But even so, the dough was easy to work with, and cookie cutters worked perfecty – one just needed to maybe lift dough up around cutter from time to time. Thats all.
They turned out superbly, and tasted quite divine…ermmm…as far crackers go that it.(Especially with with the redpepper hummus or the snoek pate.) So I guess it more the triumphant feeling of making my own crackers, in the shape that I wanted, that tasted so good.
Whatever, my taste-tester beasties totally gave their nod of approval by chowing down on them. Thats success for me, right there! 🙂
By the way, I omitted the seeds, because my kids would more than likely find it too troublesome to chew, and thus render all the effort null and void. I would be heart broken, and then would need tons of Easter chocolate to make me feel a bit better. Not helping my hips one bit. But I could only imagine how good they would be with it in!
So if you were looking for alternative Easter treats for your kids that were sugar free, or just for ideas to fill your little one’s easter basket, I hope I’ve helped you find one option right here.
In fact, even just as a party favour or without the bunny shapes, these babies rock.

Happy cracking*! x
* Its late.Im tired. Im at a loss. And crackering sounded far too clumsy.
Thank you so much for trying my recipe! I think those little bunnies are just so darn cute! But not so cute that I wouldn’t gobble them up in a heartbeat. 🙂
My goodness, no, THANK YOU, Stephie, for your awesome recipe! So glad I stumbled upon your site!
And so chuffed that you like the bunny twist – they ARE cute, arent they!? 🙂