It seems like each year, the commercialism of Halloween gains momentum. Which Im pretty chuffed about. Especially, because this means that the prices are also coming down each year. Score for us, as consumers. And yay for me, as I no longer have to hand-make the stuff anymore. We’re getting there people. So with out delay, in no particular order, here are my finds for Halloween décor hot spots within South Africa: (Click on the links for more info)
- 1) King Cake
- 2) Cardies
- 3) CNA
- 4) Crazy Store
- 5) Merry Pak
And thats my list of Cape Town stockists of Halloween decor goods.Keep an eye out for my Cape Town’s fancy dress/costume joints!
Here’s to next year!Happy Halloween!
Anything you’d like to add? Please feel free to comment below!